NPD: Lichtlaerm Audio… modded RAT & more!


This showed up today. A nice care package from Daniel at Lichtlaerm. Dude is a phenomenal guitar player. He has a band called Hæresis. Check them out.

Anyway, I had demo’d some of his older pedals a few years ago and fell in love with the Aesahaettr boost. He’s redone the whole lineup basically and added more controls.

Most excited about this guy! It’s basically a highly modified white face RAT with the Turbo and Dirty options included. Spent about an hour with that pedal today and it just kills! It has a selectable clipping section and separate boost which can be used by itself as well. Can be full range, treble or mids boost. Really nice.

Up to 35db clean boost with parametric Lo cut. Also a switchable 4 band EQ.

Hi gain distortion that’s meant to be run into a clean amp but has enough output to be used as a preamp with a power amp.

Great Satan, those three pedals sound and look like a s**t load of fun.
Man I didn’t get into anything but the Ritual yet. It’s so good! Seriously, it’s just so damn good. I am a sucker for RAT based pedals and this thing just kills.

The Ritual is wonderful! Haven't played the others but I imagine they are just as good
Yeah man I’m really impressed with how versatile it is. I was running it more as a boost with my P90 loaded LP with Randall RD45 on the dirty channel and built in boost off and Redback loaded cab.
RATs abound in all shapes and sizes. I'll find one once I start looking :clint
Dat you JT ? :rofl
