NGD: Novocaine for the Soul

Congratulations on your new blonde rebound. I just picked up my PRS back from old band's practice spot, gave it some new strings and been playing it off and on all day.

Go Litigators!
High Five Sacha Baron Cohen GIF by filmeditor
Do you have any inclination to test the original pickups as well? (Iirc that would be an HFS bridge and… not sure on nexk)

I love the crap out of my semi hollow CE24… honestly probably my #1 these days. But it’s one of the newer “ less gooder” ones (honestly I still like it at least a little bit more than my core cu22 though)

One of these older CE24s is very high on my short list though, and easily seem to be the best value for a USA made PRS
In this guitar, probably not. I hear the HFS is a good chugger tho, so I'll definitely be trying it in something.

The neck is a vintage bass, which I haven't heard many positive things about