NGD James Tyler content

That guitar looks like a smooth precision machine. I dig the slightly slanted pickups and white guitars are my jam!

Oh, that’s not the tremolo, that’s a midboost preamp. If you noticed, it’s connected to the control cavity, not the trem cavity. The tremolo is indeed recessed.
He might be talking about the tremolo cavity cover in the back.
Another video, with the guitar running into an Engl Savage 120.

Not too shabby, I think. I ran the amp into a Suhr Reactive Load, which went into my Quad Cortex for tone sculpting and cabs.

I activated and disengaged the midcoast preamp at various points in the video.

Nice Tyler! Either you know, or you don't.
That boost is so cool.
I even had Suhr install the Demeter version of it on some of the guitars he built for me!but those never felt like the original Straoblasters did.
Whereas in the Tylers it does.
Never had a SE-HD-P, had passives and HD.
But then I always used the boost cranked. So the HD-P wood have been perfect.

Now I love it as a boost as much as a sorta broadband thicker/more hifi makerwith it turned down.
So much so I even dig the parallel setting on my SE-HD.

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Nice Tyler! Either you know, or you don't.
That boost is so cool.
I even had Suhr install the Demeter version of it on some of the guitars he built for me!but those never felt like the original Straoblasters did.
Whereas in the Tylers it does.
Never had a SE-HD-P, had passives and HD.
But then I always used the boost cranked. So the HD-P wood have been perfect.

Now I love it as a boost as much as a sorta broadband thicker/more hifi makerwith it turned down.
So much so I even dig the parallel setting on my SE-HD.

View attachment 38474
Nothing else is quite the same.
He nailed a fat neck that felt like it never got in the way and harps back to the best vintage Fender. Then the tone is reliably there in pretty much every one I have ever played.
Nothing else is quite the same.
He nailed a fat neck that felt like it never got in the way and harps back to the best vintage Fender. Then the tone is reliably there in pretty much every one I have ever played.
Truth. Especially with the offset V shape.
And that rolled over fretboard edges are industry standard puzzles me.
Truth. Especially with the offset V shape.
And that rolled over fretboard edges are industry standard puzzles me.
I think they go a bit far with the fingerboard ( it a trademark now) but the neck patterns are like one or two black guards I’ve played.
I think they go a bit far with the fingerboard ( it a trademark now) but the neck patterns are like one or two black guards I’ve played.
I love the fingerboard thing.
The last time I played a big neck that felt great that wasn't a Tyler was a Fender Landau Coma