NAM: Neural Amp Modeler

Fwiw, that is as "the other place"-ish as it gets.
Why would people with lower post counts have to say different things than those with higher post counts?
Hey - if you're going to quote my post, at least leave the ;) emoji in at the end of that sentence so my quoted comment has its context intact ? Maybe join a Ford forum and let your 3rd or 4th post read "Nissan makes cars as good as they get" and see how far you get ;)
Anyway - back to the issue - check-out this clip posted in the last day or so - .... ... zero issue with NAM as a potential product - zero.

Its the whole "keys to the kingdom" vibe that grates me.

To me, none of the above is controversial - yet it seems that t

You're starting to relapse! Don't do it! Resist the urge! You can do it!

TONEX is great! I like it, I own it, and I think a lot of the other people in this thread do, too. But pardon me for pointing out… this is the

“NAM: Neural Amp Modeler”​

thread. It’s right up there at the top, where the titles go ^ ;) :whistle :rofl

Was just responding to a something Orvillain posted above. That's all.
I'm trying ... but that Formatting Bar is just soooooo tempting :)
You can do it! We believe in you! Just think of how one-sided your relationship has been with that formatting bar, anyway. After all the attention you’ve given it, what has it ever given you in return?

It’s time you kick its ungrateful italics to the curb and say, “Enough is enough! I deserve better than bold and underline! Colors and 16pt font won’t define me!”

Happy Lord Of The Rings GIF by Amazon Prime Video
Hey !

I *wish* I had the golden ears that some on other forums claim to have - I definitely do not.

When I listened to your clip I just let it play all the way through both clips non-stop - definitely could not tell which was the Amp and which was NAM - and letting them play through - non-stop - I also could not detect any meaningful differences. Pretty much why I said that live or recorded its irrelevant.

To me this also applies to the good hardware units - Fractal, L6, Boss GT, Kemper, QC, Tonex etc. the "good" stuff these days is all at such a high level of accuracy and quality that it has just become academic to me - b.t.w have I ever mentioned how much I despise Neural as a company ;)

It was *only* when I clicked back and forth repeatedly on your clip that I noticed the [small] differences I mentioned in my prior post .... cant really say much more or why - but to my ears, that's just what I did, and what I heard (?) Others doubtlessly heard it differently.

An interesting aside - about 2 months ago I bought a 2nd hand Nux Amp Academy [for a "play"] and for the equivalent of $US 130 - I loaded my own IR and its raw Amp tones are utterly stunning - if I posted clips of it against NAM / Tonex / Helix / Boss GT clips all using the same IR - no-one would ever be able to tell which is the $130 modeler - and yes, it also "feels" excellent.

Anyway - back to the issue - check-out this clip posted in the last day or so - Real Amp vs Tonex vs Proteus vs NAM - can anyone realistically and credibly claim or say that Tonex sh%ts on NAM, or NAM sh%ts on Tonex, or NAM Captures the Amp "better" than Tonex or Tonex Captures the Amp "better" than NAM (?) I don't / cant. Maybe if I had the original .WAV files and could be bothered, and went back and forth quickly between clips etc. I might be able to pick some small differences between Tonex and NAM .... but what's the flying-f%ck point of that ?

Lastly - as I have said before, I have absolutely zero issue with NAM as a potential product - zero.

Its the whole "keys to the kingdom" vibe that grates me.

To me, none of the above is controversial - yet it seems that the response to anyone who tries to point out some of the above, is that NAM is new, and will only get better - well, I say to that, of course it will fu%king get better - no-one is denying that.

The "grate'y" bit for me - and this is the "kicker" - is that those same people also choose to deliberately ignore the fact that IK Tonex [for example] which is also A.I built - will also fu%king get better - maybe one will get "better-er" than the other - who the f%ck knows.

Anyway - that's my 2c explanation / reasoning.

Seriously ... you guys have all been in a purple-patch lately - how do you find such excellent "memes" so quickly ... its a freakin' serious skill that I just don't have :)
I’ll reveal the secret. Ready? Ok. Here goes:

  1. A lot. Lot. LOT LOT LOT of time spent in the nether crevices of the internet.
  2. The rest of time spent watching TV.
  3. NAM is the best there is.