So yeah. I got it home and did the typical thing I do with any used amp. Cleaned out the jacks and the tube sockets with de-oxit and air and fired it up. Very happy. Got every penny's worth and more. Guy was not joking about telling me it's in like new condition. It looks like new.
Luscious clean channel and very good drive channel up til about noon then it starts to get into fizz city but sounds really good keeping the gain knob below noon so no harm in boosting it with something. The volume difference thing between the channels is definitely marked BUT turning the boost on and the volume on the gain channel up to about 9 is plenty enough volume for a gig or rehearsal.
I'd post pics but my phone wont do it justice. Maybe tomorrow when I can take it out into the sunlight.
Always great when it’s as advertised our better!So yeah. I got it home and did the typical thing I do with any used amp. Cleaned out the jacks and the tube sockets with de-oxit and air and fired it up. Very happy. Got every penny's worth and more. Guy was not joking about telling me it's in like new condition. It looks like new.
Luscious clean channel and very good drive channel up til about noon then it starts to get into fizz city but sounds really good keeping the gain knob below noon so no harm in boosting it with something. The volume difference thing between the channels is definitely marked BUT turning the boost on and the volume on the gain channel up to about 9 is plenty enough volume for a gig or rehearsal.
I'd post pics but my phone wont do it justice. Maybe tomorrow when I can take it out into the sunlight.
Nice score! I thought this was the predecessor to the Ultra?
Clip sounds bada$$ dude! That Peavey ChainsawTM going to work!I had a Peavey Prowler that was converted in to a head years ago - loved it!! Wish I still had it actually
Only real downside to it in my opinion is it was pretty quiet (relatively speaking) for a 40 watt tube amp
Here's a shitty lil clip I recorded with it back in the day when I was even more of a noob than I am now lmao
epic moment mystery amp by Decorated With Bullets
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Clip sounds bada$$ dude! That Peavey ChainsawTM going to work!![]()
I had a Peavey Prowler that was converted in to a head years ago - loved it!! Wish I still had it actually
Only real downside to it in my opinion is it was pretty quiet (relatively speaking) for a 40 watt tube amp
Here's a shitty lil clip I recorded with it back in the day when I was even more of a noob than I am now lmao
epic moment mystery amp by Decorated With Bullets
Join SoundClick, the ultimate independent music community. Stream millions of songs for free, download MP3 songs, buy and sell high-quality beats, and support rising artists across all genres. Sign up for free today!
I still have never owned a Triple X (X3)? I really should rectify that sometime.
There's a 40 watt combo with built in effects I always wondered about. It had a built in pitch shifter, if I recall correctly. Which, if we're being honest; is never a good sign.I think the last one I had was in 2012 or around there so my memory could be wrong but what I remember was it had it's own thang. Cut through a mix well because the gain had almost too much high mids. I ended up owning every iteration of it from heads to combos. I just kept running into them for cheap so I bought one every time I did. I also remember having to change out some grid resistors on a couple of them that burnt out.
There's a 40 watt combo with built in effects I always wondered about. It had a built in pitch shifter, if I recall correctly. Which, if we're being honest; is never a good sign.
I think the last one I had was in 2012 or around there so my memory could be wrong but what I remember was it had it's own thang. Cut through a mix well because the gain had almost too much high mids. I ended up owning every iteration of it from heads to combos. I just kept running into them for cheap so I bought one every time I did. I also remember having to change out some grid resistors on a couple of them that burnt out.