NAD - 20w

I had a Runt 50 with the matching 2x12 cab, awesome amp, after selling it and getting the BE100 Deluxe I recognized I preferred the Runt which has more sizzle and can be (with a boost in front) more aggressive sounding.
I had a Runt 50 with the matching 2x12 cab, awesome amp, after selling it and getting the BE100 Deluxe I recognized I preferred the Runt which has more sizzle and can be (with a boost in front) more aggressive sounding.
It does get pretty aggressive, even with just the built-in boost imo. Unfortunately I was out of town yesterday and didn't get to play it. Hopefully tonight though. I haven't even used the effects loop yet, may even try 4cm with the HX.
It does get pretty aggressive, even with just the built-in boost imo. Unfortunately I was out of town yesterday and didn't get to play it. Hopefully tonight though. I haven't even used the effects loop yet, may even try 4cm with the HX.
The Runt reminded me of Egnater’s..
Like near identical in the flavor of the vibes
From my understanding, they weren't very reliable, or they chose a bad tube supplier....but the sounds were there ..and kind of innovative actually, very clever designs and neat features.

Yup. Nailed it! Bruce is a legend. He just partnered with a bad Chinese manufacturing partner, and
it kind of killed the entire operation. :hugitout

I owned a Tweaker 15, a Tweaker 88 (big ass bottles in that one) and a Renegade 65 head I gigged
a few times. They were all a tad dark for me, and none of them really sliced through a full band mix
like I wanted them, too. But I am a guy addicted to Mids and cut, so there is that. :idk

Few have innovated in modern tube amp design like Bruce has in the past 30 years. That whole
modular preamp thing was totally his design. Thank you, Synergy! :LOL:
Yup. Nailed it! Bruce is a legend. He just partnered with a bad Chinese manufacturing partner, and
it kind of killed the entire operation. :hugitout

I owned a Tweaker 15, a Tweaker 88 (big ass bottles in that one) and a Renegade 65 head I gigged
a few times. They were all a tad dark for me, and none of them really sliced through a full band mix
like I wanted them, too. But I am a guy addicted to Mids and cut, so there is that. :idk

Few have innovated in modern tube amp design like Bruce has in the past 30 years. That whole
modular preamp thing was totally his design. Thank you, Synergy! :LOL:
Always heard GREAT things about those seminar amps!