Live sound Question


Howdy, all. I'm involved with this band here, played with them a few times when their bass player was unable to make a few gigs.

Anyhoo, they trust my weird musical sense and I thought maybe I could be their sound guy for S&G. I have a pretty sweet 16 track mixer and I can get a cable snake. I know how to EQ instruments and such.

Right now, they tend to just plug vocal mics into their PA (the main guy has an old 5 channel mixer and a few PA speakers. Uses one for monitor and one for the crowd). Everything else is straight from the amps. Drum kit fully acoustic/unmic'd. They actually don't sound half bad.

What I'd like to do to start is split their guitar (and bass) signals. The most fx anyone uses are wah and tubescreamer. I'd like to give all of them digital amps (the bass...... Maybe just compression and EQ) and have those go into mixers. Their dry signals go into their amps for monitoring. Ideally for this first step, they won't hear a difference, only the crowd will.

I have various virtual amps I can give them, down to a zoom g1 four if need be. What's a cost effective way to split their signals, as most of the modelers don't have a dry out. I can't buy an Iridium for every band member. Cheap ABY pedal - > amp sim - > DI?

Honestly, I look at something like this and it makes my loins tingle:

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Choice of sound has a very direct connection to way of playing, guitar volume settings…and is an integral part of a players output.
Relaying that to someone else at a board…bad idea imho…and without any proven cases as far as I know.
Why not mic the amps instead of reinventing the wheel they ride on? You said they don’t sound half bad. Is the half you want to change because of the amp choices?
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