Laney Dualtop Head


Got this recently. Wow! For a 60watt SS head this loud through my Marshall 1936 2x12 cab. Nice clean channel, and the od channel has as much gain as I'll ever need!
way cool- looks like about all you need right there!

about a million years ago, i had a 60 watt peavey transtube combo.. i think a studio pro- and i had a grid reststor get torched on my 50w mesa- so i took it to practice and parked it on my 412. pretty revelatory how it kept up just fine, and even sounded good!

awesome- ill haveta keep my eye out for those!
£259 UK. You can't go wrong at that price. Impressive amp and weighs next to nothing!!!!!
Congrats, these a killer amps for the price. Was very tempted by the Dualtop

I got the Leadtop at a good price, which alas I can't use Live. But at home it slays through a modest V30 1x12.

Got a noise gate in the fx loop, very tight sounding.