Jay Turser Guitars


Hi people I'm curious has anybody ever tried the brand Jay Turser I'm looking at getting one from a friend it's a stratocaster style Jay Turser does anybody know the model of this Jay Turser guitar in these pics I provided is it a worth it is it a decent brand or is it total junk help me out people
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I had a Jay Turser once and I did not think it was very good. Fret work was bad, hard to keep it in tune and intonated, and over all was not a pleasant playing experience. That was quite a while ago and I could have gotten a bad one, but it turned me off on them forever. Unless you are going to be getting it very cheap, I would look at other options.

In that price range, I have had better experience with both Squire and Epiphone models. My $.02 & YMMV
I'm with Byrdman. The last guitar my dad bought for me was a semi-hollow ES-339-ish Jay Turser that I wanted desperately in like 2003. It looks really cool from 6 ft away, but the warts are easy to see up close. Unless youre getting it for a REALLY good deal, there's plenty of other Strat copies that would be a better grab.
Up here in Canada, Jay Turser is one of the cheap guitar brands that people who don't know anything about guitars buy.
Agreed with the others - I would just look around for Squiers or Epiphones instead.
Turser's put out some decent knockoffs back in the 2000's, but the suffered from significant quality control issues so no idea if that specific guitar is a solid option or full of issues. If he's selling it for $50-75 maybe worth a bite. Any more than that and I might save up an look at new options from Harley Benton, Rondo Music, or Guitar Fetish.
Tried a couple and they were both on par with those walmart guitar/amp combo packs