IK Axe I/O One - new interface?


New interface for IK…

Pretty good deal for a barebones audio interface + Amplitube 5 SE + Tonex SE.
What immediately jumps at me is why they didn't use the low noise 123 dB(A) input as on the ToneX pedal?
Guessing with it being bus powered and to get the cost down as much as possible, they made a few adjustments. Maybe also why the DI has less headroom than their other interfaces?
The ADC chip itself is 5v and voltage boosters are cheap, so probably to reduce cost.
I think most audio interfaces ie Focusrite use one AD/DA chip with 8 inputs and 8 outputs for the entire audio interface.
On professional guitar modelers you need all 8 inputs for ONE guitar input to achieve super low noise.