That’s interesting. And great that it can work properly. Though I couldn’t get my unit to raise the Amp Out volume by raising my computer’s internal sound card.Ok. I finally figured this thing out. Two things to note:
1. The stupid Amp Out volume out is literally tied to your Windows (or Mac I guess) computer volume level. Just by accident I was increasing my computer volume and, bam! up went the Amp Out gain. If you turn your Windows computer volume level all the way up... then your output gain on the Amp Out is increased to unity gain on Input 1 gain. They match 1:1 in the control panel.
2. The Z-Tone control and Input 1 Gain can be used in conjunction with the Amp Out to identically match the sound of your guitar plugged straight into the amp. I was able to A/B back and forth between being plugged straight into the amp vs. using Input 1 to dial in the the Gain and then the Z-Tone to shape the sound of what the Amp Out sends to the amp.
When I A/B between being plugged straight into the amp vs. being plugged into the interface the tone is indistinguishable. It's pretty nice to be able to adjust the Z-Tone to get the interface Amp Out to more closely match what my guitar would sound like plugged straight in. Very cool!
Now all I need to do is create some Tonex captures and see how it fares. I'm guessing these will turn out pretty damn nice as the interface going into the amp now matches what an actual guitar into the amp would sound like. Almost worth putting up with all the BS of this thing.
I’ve got my inputs set to match Helix levels (around 8:30 on the dial) and connecting the Amp Out back into the Input gets me an 18dB loss.
I’m on an old firmware though. It would be nice to get the Amp Out working for me.