I really need to know the market for this one

Scenario: Kramer marketing meeting.

Executive Linda: "Alright folks, we want to introduce a new guitar to the market. Something different to what we already make. Any ideas?"
Executive Bob steps up and loads a Powerpoint presentation on screen. It's titled "Your presentation title goes here", in Comic Sans.
Executive Bob: "You know what people love? Rock n' roll!"
Presentation shows iconic Kramer players throughout the years in extremely low resolution photos.
Executives nod approvingly.

Bob: "You know what people also love? Hot dogs!"
Bob dramatically reveals a bad drawing of the hot dog guitar.
Linda: "Get him out of here. Then put this into production!"

Bye Bye Boss GIF by FTX_Official
I feel like this is something they decided on based off polling via emails and people just clicked on “Hot dog finish” to be sarcastic.
Scenario: Kramer marketing meeting.

Executive Linda: "Alright folks, we want to introduce a new guitar to the market. Something different to what we already make. Any ideas?"
Executive Bob steps up and loads a Powerpoint presentation on screen. It's titled "Your presentation title goes here", in Comic Sans.
Executive Bob: "You know what people love? Rock n' roll!"
Presentation shows iconic Kramer players throughout the years in extremely low resolution photos.
Executives nod approvingly.

Bob: "You know what people also love? Hot dogs!"
Bob dramatically reveals a bad drawing of the hot dog guitar.
Linda: "Get him out of here. Then put this into production!"

Bye Bye Boss GIF by FTX_Official

Haha! :LOL:

I am going to assume by "Kramer marketing meeting" you really meant "Gibson marketing meeting?" :idk