I finally found a Boss DS-1 that I like!


Decades after trying my first one in the 90’s that I liked at the time, I’m hearing what I remembered. Since 2015 or so I’ve tried multiple DS-1’s and multiple DS-1W’s trying to recreate that. Apparently my tastes and the circuits involved changed. Thanks to an OD-200 and a killer price on the final try, I finally got the DS-1X.

It’s what I had been searching for and has a killer upgraded orange finish plus a metal screw for the battery plate. I no longer feel left out and have either my SD-1W or OD-1X to sit next to it in awesome Boss “candy-box” style. Nice job Boss! We finally get along together again…
Here you go… the Boss Fam.

So to confirm, the DS-1 model in the OD-200 is similar to the DS-1X?
They sound identical to me. I found the DS-1X on eBay new for $108 (crazy scientist was seller) and the OD-1X for about the same from Japan. I like them both a lot. Besides them and the OD-200, the only other Boss pedal I have is the SD-1W. I really should try some others like the power stack though. The DS-1 journey was driving me crazy. I know many love the base stock pedal but it just didn’t work for me. Waza included.
Decades after trying my first one in the 90’s that I liked at the time, I’m hearing what I remembered. Since 2015 or so I’ve tried multiple DS-1’s and multiple DS-1W’s trying to recreate that. Apparently my tastes and the circuits involved changed. Thanks to an OD-200 and a killer price on the final try, I finally got the DS-1X.

It’s what I had been searching for and has a killer upgraded orange finish plus a metal screw for the battery plate. I no longer feel left out and have either my SD-1W or OD-1X to sit next to it in awesome Boss “candy-box” style. Nice job Boss! We finally get along together again…
Hmm :unsure:, interesting. I got a regular old DS-1 and it sounds OK, but not nothing special neither. Maybe I'll check out a DS-1X. The only thing scaring me is that it looks a little expensive by DS-1 and Boss standards. What the hell, it's only money.
Honestly considering a vintage but may check out a DS1W or DS1X or he'll even an OD200 based on this review.
The OD-200 is a great pedal. Tons of tones in it for any mood, and it has a boost option of all the front panel pedals and a few more. So it’s like getting 2 of a bunch of boss pedals in a programmable setup. And the 3-band eq takes each circuit and gives a huge range of tone adjustment.
The OD-200 is a great pedal. Tons of tones in it for any mood, and it has a boost option of all the front panel pedals and a few more. So it’s like getting 2 of a bunch of boss pedals in a programmable setup. And the 3-band eq takes each circuit and gives a huge range of tone adjustment.
I agree and happy to hear you like yours! The noise gate is a nice bonus.

Post #3? Welcome to TGF! It’s a cool place IMO.