Boss DS-1 Appreciation Thread

If Boss made an OD-3W, I'd probably check it out. Maybe the custom mode could be a slight bass roll off (not as much as say a TS/SD-1 style pedal) and a bit more midrange or gain? Then for those that normally stacked it with an SD-1 for a bit more mids, a little less bass, and a tad more gain can just use the custom mode.
Nothing wrong with options, but I do think the standard version is about just right. Although to have the same drive with a bass and treble cut control would probably make it perfect.
Speaking of tone controls, as far as the DS-1 goes, the tone control is its biggest weakness imo.
I read somewhere that an OD-3 with an SD-1 before it set to standard boosting settings can get the "brown sound," which I think was mainly assisted by the amp and speakers.
I read somewhere that an OD-3 with an SD-1 before it set to standard boosting settings can get the "brown sound," which I think was mainly assisted by the amp and speakers.
I've stacked my TS-9 and OD-3 a lot. Either order can work although I prefer the TS last. It can get pretty clipped at higher gain but there are some really great tones when you hit the right balance of both.
I've stacked my TS-9 and OD-3 a lot. Either order can work although I prefer the TS last. It can get pretty clipped at higher gain but there are some really great tones when you hit the right balance of both.
I tend to go pickups into lower clipping into higher clipping then to the amp. If I get an OD-3, I may have to try it both ways with an SD-1W.
He's done a few different versions over the years. This is the latest.

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I haven’t seen the DS-9 before, is that a take on a DS-1, an SD-9, an OD-9 or some combination?

It's an OD-3. The lettering is a bit scratched there haha. Never tried an OD-2, that I can remember anyways.
Love the OD-3 though, probably my favorite od. It has just the right amount of mid character, a more useful tone control than a TS or similar, solid bass response. Nice range of gain too. Definitely a pedal most should try at least once, I'd think they'd be pleasantly surprised.

A lot of people have said the OD-3 should have been called the BD-3 as it seems more like a successor to the BD-2 than anything. It’s similar to a BD-2 with a better tone sweep
A lot of people have said the OD-3 should have been called the BD-3 as it seems more like a successor to the BD-2 than anything. It’s similar to a BD-2 with a better tone sweep
That makes sense, never thought about it like that because of the yellow theme :bonk It’s just so easy to put the OD-3 in the same box as all yellows.
But BD-2 has more sizzle I believe, I don’t own a BD but i do think the Od-3 has steep cuts but stays pretty flat in between. No hump, transparent, but with defined low and high cuts. That’s what I think.
I really think the BD-2 and OD-3 are very different. BD is more of a distortion circuit really, where the OD-3 is softer and spongier when you push it.
My new limited edition White DS- 1 arrived earlier 👍