Hybrid Rig Setups!

Fun thread idea!

This is my live rig. Helix -> Ceriatone 2204 -> 12L in an oversized cab.

Helix is handling all the fx, everything goes through the front of the amp. Using EOB and kinky boost for crunch tones. In parallel I have the Helix 2203 & IR available to go to FOH if they want it.

It’s such a good sounding and practical rig that I can’t quit it.


I’ve considered putting my Rectifier and Suhr RL in the loop of my HXFX - this might have just reignited that flame.


RLIR goes into the SCF>>VP4 and straight to FOH in stereo.
I sometimes use a Fryette power amp and 2 cabs, but my back hates it...
Why the separate pedals? Wouldn't the VP4 do a good SD-1, whatever chorus, whammy and also has a good tuner? Or is it just so you can dedicate the VP4 for time/pitch fx?
Man, what about that guitar? :eek: :love

Thanks, yes it is a beast. '73 Custom, original T-tops, non-original bridge and tuners, plus a refret. 10 lbs, so on the light side for a Custom, and oddly more comfortable at long gigs than my lighter R9. The pickups are without a doubt the best I've ever experienced and it plays amazing with the fast neck and bigger frets.