HX overdrives & dsp


I know this is kinda basic but I’m always strapped for time these days- I have a Stomp and the Klon(Minotaur) is my go to for dirt. I don’t change it much from the factory settings if at all, which is pretty low gain. I’m looking for alternatives to reduce DSP. I know the Timmy/Teemah is close, but any suggestions to make it more Klon-like. Or any other model I should dive into?
Hedgehog, OCD and Vermin are all low-cost drives, I'd say the Hedgehog might be the closest?

Legacy Bronze Master and Killer Z are both even less DSP costly, as well as the HX Megaphone but I doubt that would be a good option
Hedgehog, OCD and Vermin are all low-cost drives, I'd say the Hedgehog might be the closest?

Legacy Bronze Master and Killer Z are both even less DSP costly, as well as the HX Megaphone but I doubt that would be a good option
Lol re: HX Megaphone

I was wondering about the Hedgehog as I don’t know much about the pedal it’s based on.