Hows your scene?

It’s pretty great here considering where we were at from 2015-2020 when there was no local live music venues and the bars all went to DJ’s. Post-pandemic several new bars opened up and a couple had stages built and added a small PA and started booking bands right away. There was some great energy surrounding it all the first two years but it’s died down now. We need someone who doesn’t play in a band to take the promoter role down here.

And we’ve got Piper’s, which I’ve spoken of before here, the dive bar where Nicko McBrain, Gilby Clarke, George Lynch and Joey Belladonna gigged at in the last few months. There’s live music there T/F/S/S and while they’re mainly booking cover bands on F/S, it’s really opened up to anyone who knows the owner/soundman/band ‘headlining’ the show. I love that place dearly.
My local scene has been the theater scene for the past 10 years and it’s been a roller coaster. COVID wiped out a lot here, we lost something like 35-40% of the theater companies operating in the area. But it has been growing back. There are a ton of smaller non-traditional companies that have sprung up, and more communities are creating new public spaces for arts that are allowing smaller lower budget productions to be a reality.

The scene used to be dominated by larger companies doing older shows at the few big theaters, but now I’m seeing a lot more small and young companies doing more interesting modern shows at smaller venues.

Overall there are cool and exciting things happening. I just played a quirky modern show that was the inaugural show of a brand new company at an old abandoned furniture store that has been converted into a theater and art galleries and is partially funded by the local city government as a public arts venue.

That sounds like a refreshing scene to be a part of, to be honest. Where are you located if you don't mind my asking?
I've been Germany to settle some inheritance/family dispute that's Ben going on for 30 years.

The scene here is cover and tribute bands and I rather crawl through broken glassnaked then go there.

Good thing I can go wild with my rock star friends in other countries when I'm there and record with A list guys