How to increase your crowd sizes.


Rock Star
Be really, really good. And keep getting better. Detroit, 1969 and then 1977. :grin

For the cover band I'm in we are fortunate to be known in the area from previous bands and years of gigging but playing summer concert series and private events have a built in audience so that makes it nice to not have to work up a crowd. First gig there were 400 people!
I'm going to start lifting old blues riffs into my band's hardcore gigs lol
The majority of crowds don’t care how good your chops are, or how accurate your modeler sounds, or that blazing fast lick you just played. Most people just want to be entertained. Interact with them. Jump around the stage like DLR. Let the woman in the front row sing into the mic with you.

Just don’t be stand there, staring at your fretboard like some fucking prog band. Give the crowd a good time, and next they will return with their friends.