How do you record your modeler?

XLR from the modeler

2 mics on my cab

He does something to one of them to acct for the latency or whatever

We actually record live to get that feeling you miss when you track individually. It's probably not as professional or whatever but it's hardcore so getting that emotion of playing in the room with your band is more important for us at least. The room is setup with one big center room where we play and then smaller rooms off to the sides for amps so there isnt bleed. I usually go back and do a few extra takes with different amp sims so he has different flavors to blend in

2 eps released with this band so far. Recording our first album this winter.
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Take this with a sizeable helping of salt as I record approximately once a year. I use my Axe-FX III as my interface and then record by USB.
I ultimately like to manipulate my tones in the DAW, so I record DI tracks either to reamp or apply VSTs.

I use my battery-powered HX Stomp to record to an iPad or iPhone for a mobile setup when I am not near an outlet.

My main audio interface is calibrated to be at the same level as the Stomp, thanks to the Input Calibration thread, and I use that for my main setup. I got my reamp box permanently wired to one of the line outputs so I can reamp to my tube amps if I'm not feeling lazy.

I also use my FM3 as an audio interface in a pinch if I want to hear specific Fractal models for input monitoring. Bump up the DIs by 6dB and I can use the DI tracks with my other rigs. I can also drop my typical levels down 6dB and reamp into the FM3. This can be a mobile rig if I'm near an outlet.
If I never used DI/reamping…I’d just go analog out into input of audio interface..sounds fine.
Using the analog out can introduce some hiss when you reamp a DI into a gainy amp.

Kemper I recorded the DI thru sound analog ins.

With QC, atm I use an aggregated device…the QC+Boss Gigcaster. But…QC customer support is very dodgy on explaining how/if it syncs audioclocks proper when the other device is master.
I have the analog outs going into my recording interface , and use the direct monitoring the interface , so no latency.
But when I open Logic to record I use the USB out from the Axe.

I never reamp.

This exactly.

I also like to record the DI signal alongside the recorded signal. There's some good videos from Chris Baseford where he shows how you can set up tracks in Logic to record DI on one side and modeler on the other side of one track to take up less space while working.
Guitar or Bass > Helix Rack (empty preset) AES/EBU to Lynx Aurora n > thunderbolt to Logic > Helix Native. I'm not a good enough player to track something again if I end up not liking my tone. Would much rather just adjust the Native instance.

Will occasionally track into the front of my API 512c, but the Chapman ML Pro Modern and Stingray bass' pickups are too hot and that pre doesn't have an output trim. Should've sprung for the 512v instead.
Guitar or Bass > Helix Rack (empty preset) AES/EBU to Lynx Aurora n > thunderbolt to Logic > Helix Native. I'm not a good enough player to track something again if I end up not liking my tone. Would much rather just adjust the Native instance.

titanic kate winslet GIF