Helix Floor: Any way to EQ just the headphone outs?


I have my XLR going to the soundman, and the 1/4" going to my monitor speaker. I have the volume control controlling the 1/4"

However, I would sometimes like to run in ears. Every set I've tried, including the ones recommended hear, get this weird fizzy distortion that I can easily eq out with Helix's parametric.

The global EQ seems to only let you chose between 1/4" or XLR or both. The headphones can only monitor the 1/4" XLR or Multi.

Spdif doesnt seem able to access the global EQ, though I have plenty of D/A's I could use if theres a way to make SPDIF work.

I suppose I could EQ the 1/4" out and go into settings and enable or bypass it depending on whether I'm using monitors or in ears, but I'm scared something goofy may happen in the heat of the moment
Global EQ is bypassed by holding down the Bypass button for a few seconds, there is no reason to dive into settings.

Then set headphones out to monitor 1/4 and global eq to affect 1/4 only.

I am a confused about how you are running the IEM. Normally you would take the XLR to the desk, then mix it with other inputs and return on the IEM output a combination of your guitar plus the rest of the band, and any necessary eq takes place while mixing the IEM mix.

The exception to that would be if you copied the Richie Castellano YouTube tutorial where you take a band mix into path 2 and create a local headphone feed to come out of the headphone out.
I am a confused about how you are running the IEM. Normally you would take the XLR to the desk, then mix it with other inputs and return on the IEM output a combination of your guitar plus the rest of the band, and any necessary eq takes place while mixing the IEM mix.
The shows where I would need to do this are more about having plugs in to protect my hearing. I only have the output of my Helix in them. I could point my own "FRFR" cab at me, but its more important to point that at my drummer.

In these situations we have the deadly combo of the soundman being a treble deaf psychopath, and not enough monitor control for the drummer to hear the guitars at all
That I understand. My bassist would say that as long as Drums and Bass can hear each other nothing else matters because everybody is following them anyway. That’s his justification for the only thing we can hear on stage being the bass.
If you have room in your chain you could use a Send block for the monitor speaker before the output and set the global EQ/HP monitoring for the 1/4" outs to get that in your headphones.

But yeah a headphone output option by itself would be cool.
Not exactly a fix to your problem, but the $2k investment in a X/MR18 rack and some decent in-ears is well worth it after a dozen gigs where you never even need to talk to the sound guy about your monitors.
General feeling everyone has when @pipelineaudio posts about Helix and Native 😁
"If there was a problem, yo he'd find it"
vanilla ice death row chronicles GIF by BET
That sounds scary 😱
Yes!!! I'm only recently at this age actually playing onstage. My whole life my food comes from being a recording engineer and I have protected my hearing absolutely no joke. The assault I received a few sundays ago is something I still haven't recovered from. Scaary shit, hopefully not permanent damage. I did hurt my ears in the water over some time, which isn't really a frequency issue, but can make some distortions with in ears as opposed to headphones, which I can EQ out, hence the thread title
Not exactly a fix to your problem, but the $2k investment in a X/MR18 rack and some decent in-ears is well worth it after a dozen gigs where you never even need to talk to the sound guy about your monitors.
This is one of the primary mixers we use for the shows around hawaii. If I have my choice of soundmen, its awesome. In these cases though, we have dogshit.
"If there was a problem, yo he'd find it"
vanilla ice death row chronicles GIF by BET
I take a lot of shit for finding bugs before anyone else, but it sure got me in with a lot of manufacturers, and it served me well when we made a DAW

Its pretty crazy how some companies and ESPECIALLY forum sycophants can get about it

The term "gaslight" was probably created for bug deniers

You run through the whole process:

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

And its a hilarious journey every time
Back to the original question. No.

But what I would do is Add Global EQ on 1/4 outs. Headphones monitor 1/4 outs only.

The 1/4 out to the “"FRFR"” is only pointing to the drummer, who realistically has less high end hearing than the soundman, so he won’t notice. If he does… doesn’t that speaker have some basic EQ to reverse the cut you made for your in ears?
I take a lot of shit for finding bugs before anyone else, but it sure got me in with a lot of manufacturers, and it served me well when we made a DAW

Its pretty crazy how some companies and ESPECIALLY forum sycophants can get about it

The term "gaslight" was probably created for bug deniers

You run through the whole process:

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

And its a hilarious journey every time
I just wanted to make a Vanilla Ice joke:idk
This is one of the primary mixers we use for the shows around hawaii. If I have my choice of soundmen, its awesome. In these cases though, we have dogshit.
That’s why I’ve just been bring my own for the last 7-8 years for all my projects. With everyone DI it doesn’t really add to the hassle of setup and tear down. Good sound guys get it, bad sound guys don’t, but I don’t care, lol, fuck them. It’s also nice having the option of hearing how bad the opening band sounds and telling the sound guy I just need his drive lines or two flat channels and he can go grab a beer for our set. I’d rather cut a song to spend 5 minutes doing FOH myself than let someone ruin us for everyone else.
I wish we could do that! We're quickly becoming one of the main PA companies around here. Pretty much first call for anything that isn't going to be absolutely huge, and I'm still "just filling in" as I am NOT a live sound guy, so its pretty weird. I got the gear and the ability to set it up quick, but its just not an option for a quick changeover night.
I wish we could do that! We're quickly becoming one of the main PA companies around here. Pretty much first call for anything that isn't going to be absolutely huge, and I'm still "just filling in" as I am NOT a live sound guy, so its pretty weird. I got the gear and the ability to set it up quick, but its just not an option for a quick changeover night.
We can do a full band changeover with our rig in well under 10 minutes if needed. As long as the previous act isn’t assholes, anyways.
You should film that! Show the pedal weenies that they don't have to ruin everyone else's time (especially at an open mic night!!!) by futzing with their pedals for 20 minutes.

There's no way at one of our clubs that we would be switching between the house mixer and ours in 10 minutes