Timmy? I feel like people were calling blues breakers, and even Klons at times “transparent”I’ve never heard any overdrive that was “transparent.”
“Transparent” would be a copper trace between the input and output with zero components in-between.Timmy? I feel like people were calling blues breakers, and even Klons at times “transparent”![]()
Every TGP thread has a no. of people saying BBs and klons are transparent.Timmy? I feel like people were calling blues breakers, and even Klons at times “transparent”![]()
I think the biggest “problem” that people started to do is that they wanted transparent drives to work into clean amps, the trend went hand in hand with those who wanted transparent drives into dirty amps. And suddenly every one was talking about the same thing for different purposes…. Pedal builders followed up on this playing both crowds for the selling trend.Every TGP thread has a no. of people saying BBs and klons are transparent.
I don’t get it.
Even the Timmy was supposedly designed to add ‘more’ to a Marshall type amp.. so it should have an emphasis in the upper mids like a Marshall.
I think I hear that faintly.
It’s not neutral like an EQ.
What about the lightspeed? Everyone is nuts about that pedal. So I’d say it’s still a trend.Idk but it just seems like it’s not as trendy anymore. And if so:
Changing the gain changes EQ always on everything including amps so we are back at stupid.I think when they talk transparent, they mean it doesn't alter the EQ of the amp....ie push the mids, treble booster etc. It is supposed to give you the sound of your amp's natural overdrive, without the volume. Whether they are successful in doing that is up for debate.
Well maybe you should write to some builders and tell them what you think of their designs. Perhaps they can explain it better than I can. Otherwise I think you are....Changing the gain changes EQ always on everything including amps so we are back at stupid.
The term transparent is what is dumb in this use. On a par with “ mojo “ “tone wood “ and “talent “.Well maybe you should write to some builders and tell them what you think of their designs. Perhaps they can explain it better than I can. Otherwise you are....with this thread.
Yeah, when you want to cut through a mix for a solo or bridge section, a transparent or flat boost may not be the most appropriate. Context matters of course. But there's a reason pedals like tube screamers and klons are so popular -- they tend to cut through better.I know a guitarist who is kind of a poster person for this trend. Saw him playing at a gig last year. He is an amazing guitarist, and honestly he does not need expensive gear and "transparent" overdrive pedals to sound good.
He has few of these "transparent" pedals on his board. To my ears, they don't seem to cut through the mix. I think he has set them with the EQ relatively flat.
He has 3 delay pedals on his board. He keeps the first one always on with "slapback" settings. He steps on the second one frequently. He also has a third delay pedal which he uses to boost his sound while soloing. I am not an expert on pedals or delays, but it seems to me that this third one is set to dotted eights.
I have commented elsewhere on this forum about my experience when I saw him play. I could see that he is amazing, but it was hard for me to understand what he was playing if I didn't look at his hands. He had two delays switched on for almost the whole time.