Gotta try something. HX to GT1K

Since it doesn’t seem Line 6 wants to get into the laser noises and modulation trigger game I just ordered a Boss GT-1000 to see what we can do with internal Wave Pedals and dynamics modulations. My hope is to just completely replace a Floor/LT in a live situation including amp modeling since I am highly allergic to bringing multiple boxes to put on the floor and pedalboards. @Sascha Franck gave me some pointers about getting started with it, but if anyone else has or uses both the HX Floor/LT and the GT1K anecdotes and tips are welcome. I’m not stressed about getting good sounds yet. From all the demos I’ve heard everything I need is in there and I like the idea of having a lot more “pretend” amp models.
Really, my first and singlemost important tip still would be: Only create 1-2 basic patches at first. Try to stuff most things you can think about in there and then use these patches as templates. You really don't want to modify patches too often (or too deeply) as it's a nightmare either way.

Another tip: In HX land snapshots are great because they allow for gapless switching, trail spillover and what not. In Boss land you just switch patches gaplessly (and with trail spillovers most of the time...), so while it's still wise to prepare your patches for flexibility (so you don't have to do it later), I would not try to do *too* much within a single patch because keeping track of the various ways to assign things to whatever functions will simply drive you mad.
Really, my first and singlemost important tip still would be: Only create 1-2 basic patches at first. Try to stuff most things you can think about in there and then use these patches as templates. You really don't want to modify patches too often (or too deeply) as it's a nightmare either way.

Another tip: In HX land snapshots are great because they allow for gapless switching, trail spillover and what not. In Boss land you just switch patches gaplessly (and with trail spillovers most of the time...), so while it's still wise to prepare your patches for flexibility (so you don't have to do it later), I would not try to do *too* much within a single patch because keeping track of the various ways to assign things to whatever functions will simply drive you mad.
That’s kind of how I was planning on approaching it, a signal chain that carries across multiple presets with ctrl stuff setup for what i need on a preset basis. That’s basically how I’ve been using the HX stuff for the last couple of years with the single DSP for gapless switching, but some of the pitch etc FX are so DSP heavy that want I want doesn’t always get real far per preset.
GT1K landed, finally got to spend some time with it. Honestly quite enjoying the X amps they just added. They’re quite articulate with my ridiculously downtuned guitars. Also making headway with the assigns, though the documentation for some of the controls is pretty minimal. Already finding some wacky shit mixing the S-bend with other stuff. IR loading is disgusting, but the “original” speaker models are pretty solid anyways. Next is figuring out FS layouts, but heel down to tuner and CURNUM tap tempo are pretty slick. Just wish I could make those global. So far so good!