My take is that one doesn’t have to have a diagnosis to be troubled with these things. Trust me, no adhd or other diagnoses here.
It’s about learning who you are and what you need to do to make it work for you. In my case, i just need simple things. Option paralysis and ocd and tweaking is my weakness, so i need to use the gear that doesn’t lead me to those things. Then i can find my creative side.
It’s different for everyone.
Truth to be told. I am amazed and impressed by those that do have different diagnoses and can handle things like modelers and stuff. It’s a challenge for sure.
Yup. My mental health steadily has improved when I put it in my hands
and stopped lacking accountability and blaming external factors.
Obviously, being empowered is kind of a privilege, and having choices
others maybe do not is kind of a thing in and of itself. That said, when I got
serious about what I could do constructively EACH and EVERY day to
augment and protect my mental health I found that it has been more effective than
any other single thing. And this while I am going through an obstacle
course of middle-aged life passages (aging/dying parents, personal
health issues from wear and tear, child leaving home and growing up,
empty nesting, etc. and so forth).
It's my responsibility what I do and don't do---and even when I am exposed
to the culture and world we live in I can control (somewhat) the flow of
what enters my world and how much I allow it to negatively impact me. That's
why I don't watch a lot of TV. :lol
Knowing ourselves, and what lifts us up and what tears us down is vital. Maybe
nothing else is more vital for our well-being.
Can't blame the world for Eternity, can we??