Free updates - where does it stop?

If anyone is getting paid on this forum to shill gear I want my f*cking cut!

underground hip hop GIF
@Digital Igloo at his next product team meeting: "hey guys. Helix is still selling like hotcakes, and all components are still widely available. Which makes next quarter the ideal time to stop production and stockpile 15 years worth of joysticks."
We definitely stockpile certain parts.
Even in arguendo this was the point...what was the last Line 6 product that was released that _caused_ an older product to cease production?
Hmm... Spider V EOLing Spider IV maybe? Not sure. OG DL4 was discontinued because of parts scarcity, although it would've been discontinued regardless due to DL4 MkII.

EDIT: No, it was the G10T II transmitter EOL'ing G10T.
I'm curious what the consumer laws for electronics is; for example, auto manufacturers in the US are held to making parts available for 10 years past discontinuation of the iteration of the car, as far as I can tell. I wonder if there's something similar for consumer electronics.
I'm not sure either, but we employ a full-time compliance engineer to navigate all the worldwide rules and regulations. Post-EOL parts availability depends on the region.
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