Fill this hole


Rock Star
... on my pedalboard, please. :pickle :rofl

I shifted things around and have a 5X7" space on my board now, which gives me room for either one bigger pedal, two regular, or regular + mini, or two minis. Have an open 660mA output on my Eventide PowerMax.

Thinking of something that would preferably go in front of the amp, as I'm really digging how amazing the VP4 sounds in the loop, especially regarding general signal quality, and don't want to mess with that.

Related to ^^^, I have an HX Stomp that fits nicely, but sadly I've realized it kills a bit of tone when bypassed, even in the loop, and especially when in front of the amp (even with a buffer before it and in analog bypass). Interestingly, the HX One sounds better than the Stomp when bypassed. Also, the Stomp is a pain to power, although I can do it with some daisy-chaining of other pedals.

So, looking for something preferably analog or, if digital, with a great bypassed state like the One, that's an in-front-of-amp effect.

Some things I've considered:

- Fulltone Octavia: currently use the HX One for this, but had the Fulltone in the past and loved it

- Belle Epoch Deluxe: love that sound and have always wanted to try it, however I've become more of a delay-in-the-loop guy, and now have more killer delays than I could ever ask for with the VP4

- RE-202 Space Echo (full size): same points as the Belle ^^^, but also not sure about the buffered bypass?

- FUZZ: something big and wooly that works with a clean/gritty channel, which I now have with the MKVII, + humbuckers, maybe a Big Muff? (The Keeley Fuzz Head I have is for boosting Crunch with very low amount of fuzz.)

- JHS Unicorn + Prestige: kind of boring, as I already own them, also have no use for vibe or boost without a Strat, and don't have one, and not sure if I want to buy a guitar at the moment, really digging my '73 Custom and don't want to play anything else these days

- Overdrives/boosts: don't really need, as I'm covered with the MXR CBMOD and Fuzz Head already on there

- another HX One? Could use in the loop for Reverse Delay and Transistor Tape, which I do miss, having moved to the VP4; just not sure about messing with pristine VP4 signal quality back there

Overall, it's tricky to pick something because I've got so much covered with the HX One in front and VP4 in the loop, haha. But would be cool to add stuff that's better in an analog version, like fuzz or something along those lines?
Anyway, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Available space is to right of HX One, sitting above the PowerMax supply. :beer

TL ; DR: I have space on my board, help me pick something, preferably for front of amp.

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You're really mining the double entendre content as of late :grin

I'd say Octavia. Or rearrange whirlwind pedal (what's it do?) And upgrade your wah?

Haha, yes, it's my new theme for the time being, can't resist. :grin

Yes, I should have explained, thanks: the Whirlwind Orange Box is a killer Phase 90, love it. And I actually love the 535 mini wah too, very happy and don't want to mess with it.
These built like tanks pedal boards are £27.99 on amazon delivered with Velcro
I’ve a few that have been drilled and connect with two bolts and wing nuts if needed to expand ? 🤘
They also have the elastic power supply fittings underneath 👍🍺
These built like tanks pedal boards are £27.99 on amazon delivered with Velcro
I’ve a few that have been drilled and connect with two bolts and wing nuts if needed to expand ? 🤘
They also have the elastic power supply fittings underneath 👍🍺
View attachment 35182

Thanks, but I just got this Novo 18 and love it, it’s the perfect size.

And I’m having a hard time filling this last space up, certainly don’t need anything with more space… :grin
I guess it’s each to their own But I couldn’t have pedals hanging over the edge of a board like that .
They wouldn’t last long with my UK size 8 ‘s 🤣
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I firmly believe there is a Sunface for everyone, and everyone owes it to themselves
to try one (or 10!) at some point in their life. Si, Ge... and a bunch of different flavours
of both. Lo Gainers. Hi Gainers. Medium Gainers.

My opinion is no one does it better than Mike. And they are great to work with---provided
you are not waiting 5 years for a King of Tone. :lol

Muffs are cool, but my hunch is given what I know about your tastes and styles a FF would
come into play more, and you would use it. You can get the same type of amp-like cleanup
and variations in drive/dirt using your touch and volume control. :chef