Does an amp make sense for what I'm describing?


Rock Star
I've tried every modeler under the sun and spend more time trying to fix flaws than enjoying them. I've tried the Friedman IR-X too, as well as a low watt tube amp (Orange Rocker 15) and tons of pedals. I've upgraded my monitors, interface, tried a power amp and cab, tried "FRFR", etc.

So let's say I sell off a bunch of gear to fund something different. I know at some point I need a different cab because that's going to shape the overall EQ. But is there an amp rig that would make sense for the following use case:
  • Low volume, home use only...I'm talking conversation levels here
  • 3 channels preferred (Fender cleans, Plexi crunch, modern gain)
  • Series effects loop
  • Ability to run a direct out with no cab (built in reactive load, or no load needed, or potentially adding an external box)
  • Ability to switch channels via MIDI (may require another box)
Some ideas I've kicked around:
  • Soldano Astro 20 - top of the budget but seems like it would do everything I want and would kick all kinds of ass
  • Friedman JJ Junior - only two channels, but this has been my dream amp for years, although would need to add external reactive load
  • Bluguitar Amp1 - never tried one but seems intriguing? Mixed reviews but sometimes they are good?
  • Friedman IR-D - maybe a different voicing compared to the IR-X would be better through existing cabs?
  • Blackstar Amped 3 - don't shoot me but I honestly kinda like the Amped 1 as an amp better than the Orange Rocker 15!
  • ...something else?
Alternately, am I just nuts and modeling truly is the way to go in this situation? For example should I swap out the Orange cab for something bigger and warmer sounding at low levels to fight the harsh high end? Or throw something in the signal chain?
I am not sure where the intersection of contentment and gear actually is.
I don't know of any directions on how to get there. Maybe we just stumble on it,
or maybe we grow tired of the revolving door of this versus that. :unsure:

I do hope you/we/all find that intersection someday. It has to be a relief to not be obsessing
about what we have, and what else out there might be better suited for us.

The downside is then we are forced to occupy our time with other pursuits. :LOL:
Go here and pick a flavor (or two) you want:

Then go here and get on the waiting list for a PAE-2:

Then get an IR loader like a Mooer Radar or TC Electronic Impulse.

I’m kind of missing the MIDI part but it’s what I did. I can run it directly into my computer or headphones or take out the Radar and go into my effects return if I want to get loud.

Of course the Astro is awesome and the Amp1 is excellent (can you play that quietly though?).
the thing youre looking for is maybe not 100% commercially available... but the closest thing ive found to low volume tube contentment is with a reeves custom 10 with power scaling and an altec 417. it just sounds like a big NMV amp, just small. but its ONE channel.

let loose, it also sounds good, but needs different speakers.

its SO hard to get low volume to sound great and necessitates such an insane eq swing.. almost nobody does that. the reeves folks did.. but you really haveta learn the ridiculous swing on the eq, cause itll sound horrible if you try to just turn it up from its low low volume eq settings.

tbh, at low low volumes my best luck has been with solid staters, and i kid you not, on a fender frontman 25r.
Syn20ir w be-dlx module? I’m running mine though an fm9 but something cheaper like an ampero stomp in 4cm would be able to send MIDI to control and provide effects. Then you can just grab extra modules if you get an itch for something else without resetting everything up again. Easily does conversation level (~72 db @ 2m) like any modeler since it’s the same type backend as the Astro 20 and Friedman ir-x.
I’ve started doing a analog/hybrid split down the middle. I’m using my pedalboard going into my amp, then taking the FX out into my modeler (HX Stomp). Then I use a NAM loader app on my Mac or phone to run a capture of my power amp. Finally post FX on the modeler before monitors or headphones. Want the real deal? Just plug the cable into the FX return and let it rip. Want lower volume, stereo and recording options? Use the modeler/NAM.

An even easier option would be a Tonex One, but I’m not buying IK stuff.
I think you should try a nice tube amp out without selling things off first. Id avoid preamp pedals as I feel like that's modeling with a twist and won't scratch that tube itch you might have. If you can swing a Suhr RL (without IR) the amp world is your oyster
My gut feeling would be hoping that a single amp doing it all for you in one hit is too ambitious, especially without having a cab locked down.

I’d play it long on this one - try and find a cab you absolutely love and that everything will sound great through. Then consider a decent load box or Fryette Powerstation. Then I think your options for an amp are wide open and you can get exactly what you vibe with. Plus you can try things out and move them on without getting stuck.

I feel like trying to do it all in one will just keep you looking over your shoulder at things to “improve”. You maybe already know deep down where you’re going to end up, I’d just think about the best route to that end goal rig and skip the stuff in between.
I'd recommend a decent load box with IRs and whatever tube amp you fancy. That's what i did for home and couldn't be happier.

I have a two notes torpedo live in my rack, and can swap between a mesa mark IV or single rectifier. If I want to add another amp, I can look for one used on eBay etc if there is something specific I'm after, and I don't have to worry about it coming with it's own attenuation etc.
Fromel Lotus attenuator or Fryette PS-2a is the way to go with a tube amp you like, in my experience. With either of those and an amp with a decent master volume, I can get room level tone that feels better than a modeler. It may not *sound* much different, but there really is a dynamic/feel thing that I notice.

Some amps just crank out more dBs than others and I've had to buy/sell to figure those out. My Revv D20 is pretty tame and can be used at home w/out an attenuator compared to an EVH 5153 LBX II, for example, even though the wattages are in the same ballpark. I had a Friedman Runt 20 and it also was a loud beast for being EL84 20W.