I don't hear the subtle aspects of the tones that the text in these types of videos refers to, while the demonstrator is just playing a melody.
What I'd like to see done, is for them to play just one note, or just one chord, at first, describe what it is about that specific feature of the sound, that the gear is altering, then play it in context.
Maybe like..., "Ok, so I played one note, listen to how the repeats are doing ______, now listen to how that sounds, vs. to how it is now, if I alter that parameter." Something along those lines of demo, would go a long way, for me anyway, to actually be able to hear what is being noted in the text description, as he's playing.
I'm rather clueless as to the subtleties of delays anyway, even though I know, when I hear it, if it sounds awesome. Basically I just try various presets using delays in the Axe III, and use the ones I like, in my own presets. I can't even be bothered to dive into the editor to see just what it is, that's making a certain delay sound better than others, because it's really pretty cumbersome to compare 2 different effects' settings to one another.
I suppose I'd simply have to go through each effect, write down each parameter, go to a different one, write them down, then see what's what.
Come to think of it, some type of "compare" feature built into the editor would be helpful.