Ask me about my hot takes (I want your hot takes, too)

My turn:
  • I was kid/teenager in the 70’s when The Lord of the Rings was very popular among pipeweed-smokers and Led Zep were releasing the songs and albums. Different era.
  • I have never listened to any Ozzie material outside of early Sabbath. Who is this Randy person?
  • Rush? Never heard (of) them until I was on guitar forums. Truly – no impact Down Under.
  • When Guns n Roses first toured Australia, they got the original Rose Tattoo to reform to support them – so I got to see the real Tatts. I payed the ticket price, and they weren’t terrible but I can’t say I recall them very well.
  • SRV needed a singer.
  • I had to look up who STP were.
  • Fünf auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala, Your Funeral… My Trial and Juju were the three best albums of the 80’s.
  • For all his known stand, Zappa is best heard and funny when intoxicated ala Billy the Mountain.
  • Cold Chisel are the best band in the history of the world bar none.
I like his playing. The tones are grating though.
My favorites are definitely his earlier tones, and especially when he used the Charley lipstick pickup guitar. The later stuff got a bit more raspy around the edges when he incorporated a fuzz occasionally, and using amps like the Marshall Major. Still good, but different.
So not a hair up your ass 😂
Could be...if you're into's like a fertility play on old mythology and symbolism, and word play. Bustle in your sexual arousal in the pube region ....spring cleaning for the may queen.....fairies doing naughty stuff during the spring......that sort of thing......

I believe...I could have it completely wrong....or not.
Could be...if you're into's like a fertility play on old mythology and symbolism, and word play. Bustle in your sexual arousal in the pube region ....spring cleaning for the may queen.....fairies doing naughty stuff during the spring......that sort of thing......

I believe...I could have it completely wrong....or not.
If it's sexual, then there should be 3 paths you can go by, butt in the long run!
My hot takes

- Randy Rhoads was a better player than Jake, but his tone sorta sucked by modern standards

-The Black album was Metallica's best work

-Digital modulation and time based effects are superior to analog

-unattractive women are generally better in bed

-Teenagers today are more respectful, more intelligent, and overall better people than we were at that age

-Mike Tyson would have beaten both Evander Holyfield and Lennox lewis had they fought in the late 80's

-You can still have a piece of shit dog if you raise it right, especially with certain breeds.

-Elon Musk isn't a bad guy


My hot takes

- Randy Rhoads was a better player than Jake, but his tone sorta sucked by modern standards

-The Black album was Metallica's best work

-Digital modulation and time based effects are superior to analog

-unattractive women are generally better in bed

-Teenagers today are more respectful, more intelligent, and overall better people than we were at that age

-Mike Tyson would have beaten both Evander Holyfield and Lennox lewis had they fought in the late 80's

-You can still have a piece of shit dog if you raise it right, especially with certain breeds.

-Elon Musk isn't a bad guy


Change the Black album to AJFA... And I am your new running mate!!!!!🤣
Yeah, used to think RTL was the best but switched to AJFA some time over the past 20 years. Could switch again, lol.

Just don't try to get me to play anything on AJFA, it's no damn wonder they don't wanna make anything like that material again, shit will kill you to play - utterly monotonous as all fuhak. Maybe a little Blackened riffage, but even that song gets boring to play pretty quickly.