Any P90 Afficiandos In Da House?

Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love

Thank goodness for stupid people! :LOL:

Love that Antiquey/Vintage White.

Been drooling a long time for a DC Junior/Special.

For a while I had a Korean Epiphone Special DC. That guitar was ridiculous - built to real Gibson specs (the Fadeds had a thinner body), and the pickups were just nasty.


They turn up from time to time. If you see one, it would be worth grabbing. I only got rid of mine because I got the Gibson.
When I got the '56 Gibson ( ) they also had a used Eastman T64 (ES-330 knock-off - ish) and I was trying to decide between the two -- Gibson was mojo for days; woody and mid-forward. Eastman was less woody, less magic-mid-range; more touch-sensitive and could hear the fingers on strings a little more. I went back a couple days later and traded a couple things even for the Eastman, because "why not both?". Its crazy having two such similar guitars in hand that sound soooooooo different acoustically and electrically.

Relevant to this thread, that '56 Gibson rages. Run through a fuzz, it's crazy. Haven't measured the output, and still need to do a LITTLE pole piece adjustment on it to get everything balanced, but its about the same output level as what I get from my 335 knockoff with antiquity pickups in it. In the middle position, its like a bright neck pickup more than a warm bridge pickup, but can just about flip flop between both with a little tone knob adjustment.