We got around 10 years of Bon and around 10 years of Brian. Wouldn't matter who was singing after the early 90's because that style was dead, and they were old.I started liking Choral music, Opera and Medieval Chant in my 40's. I hated it before that. I have studied the philosophy of scientific method and I fail to see how a method of logical progression from hypothesis to thesis to theory based on evidence and demonstration means I prefer Bon Scott Akka Dakka to Brian Johnson. I think geography and cultural immersion in Oz while they were on the rise has more to do with it.
I now like the Masses and other music of Hummel, which I had never heard until a few years ago. The same is true for many of the CD's I listen to by Classical composers other than Mozart, Haydn and CPE Bach. The symphonies of Louise Farrenc, for instance.
10 years of Bon, 40 of Brian. Half the set-list is Bon. And there are still rumours about how much of Back in Black Bon wrote, given the royalty checks to his family recieve.
You like Bon more because that's what was cool when you were discovering music, and that's OK.
You're talking about CD's? I'm middle aged and have never purchased a CD. It's 2024 my friend.