Any of you dudes get banned from TGP?..Why?

I started liking Choral music, Opera and Medieval Chant in my 40's. I hated it before that. I have studied the philosophy of scientific method and I fail to see how a method of logical progression from hypothesis to thesis to theory based on evidence and demonstration means I prefer Bon Scott Akka Dakka to Brian Johnson. I think geography and cultural immersion in Oz while they were on the rise has more to do with it.

I now like the Masses and other music of Hummel, which I had never heard until a few years ago. The same is true for many of the CD's I listen to by Classical composers other than Mozart, Haydn and CPE Bach. The symphonies of Louise Farrenc, for instance.

10 years of Bon, 40 of Brian. Half the set-list is Bon. And there are still rumours about how much of Back in Black Bon wrote, given the royalty checks to his family recieve.
We got around 10 years of Bon and around 10 years of Brian. Wouldn't matter who was singing after the early 90's because that style was dead, and they were old.

You like Bon more because that's what was cool when you were discovering music, and that's OK.

You're talking about CD's? I'm middle aged and have never purchased a CD. It's 2024 my friend.
We got around 10 years of Bon and around 10 years of Brian. Wouldn't matter who was singing after the early 90's because that style was dead, and they were old.

You like Bon more because that's what was cool when you were discovering music, and that's OK.

You're talking about CD's? I'm middle aged and have never purchased a CD. It's 2024 my friend.
Yeah, I only have a few thousand CD's and hundreds of vinyl LP's, mostly "Classical" and bought after I turned 40.

I have said repeatedly that it was basically "required" of any young Aussie in the 70's to love AC/DC. It was them or Sherbet (or ABBA) - until I discovered indie/punk stuff. The airwaves - such as they were - insisted.

It's 2024 - and I listen to new (to me) Gregorian Chant whenever I can. I'm still saddend by the retirement of Anonymous 4.

Christ, if my brain stopped liking new stuff past my 20’s I would have taken myself out years ago. It’s specifically the pursuit of new experiences and enjoyment of those experiences that gives me drive to ignore the bullshit life throws at you and keep going.

I do know there’s a subgroup of people that experience this, I refer to them as the ‘kid’s menu’ type.
Christ, if my brain stopped liking new stuff past my 20’s I would have taken myself out years ago. It’s specifically the pursuit of new experiences and enjoyment of those experiences that gives me drive to ignore the bullshit life throws at you and keep going.

I do know there’s a subgroup of people that experience this, I refer to them as the ‘kid’s menu’ type.
Christ, if my brain stopped liking new stuff past my 20’s I would have taken myself out years ago. It’s specifically the pursuit of new experiences and enjoyment of those experiences that gives me drive to ignore the bullshit life throws at you and keep going.

I do know there’s a subgroup of people that experience this, I refer to them as the ‘kid’s menu’ type.
It's not an absolute.
It's just that it's just that there's a lot of science that shows the parts of your brain that light up when you discover new art stop lighting up as much as they do in your youth.

It's why it's rare for bands to create music that still moves their original fans at some point. Take almost any band from ACDC, to Metallica, to Aerosmith and their original fans will almost always view their early work as their best work. The thing about that is that the fans that came later don't always see it that way because they don't have an emotional connection to the early work. I can say with zero hesitation that the Black album was my favorite Metallica album because I was a kid in the 80's. Guys a decade older than me that were into Metallica hated that album. It's because by the time the black album came out, they were in their mid 20's already and had an emotional connection to Metallica's early sound.

Again, this isn't an absolute, but most people are still listening to the bands they liked in their youth when they're senior citizens, especially non-musicians
Looks like a lot of you banned "members" found a new home, trust me it's a *much* better alt. than The LARP Page fka TGP due to the founding "members" selling out to Digital Enthused in 2019...

I'm not banned, still plan on using The Emporium for local sales/trades, but I'm done with the nonstop role-playing games, cosplay, guitar hero, vanity et al. $hit$how ~ It's turned into a great big circle jerk, with many newer "members" clearly not even musos, engaged in some strange fantasy where collecting/obsessing on gear is the price of admission...

Latest "member" trend: The Chatty Kathy , Self-Absorbed Vanity and/or Attention Ho "expert" posters/poseurs (look for the post count :ROFLMAO:) are appealing to the gullible members of the "community" after suffering medical issues/costs and/or unexpected expenditures via Go-Fund-Me (I hit the lotto Ma!).

Anyways, I'm pretty much done with the grab a$$ posts & volunteering to add to DE's (Are You Not Enthused?) click through, data scraping & other numbers games to enrich some wannabe Mark Zuckerburglar :wat

The commodification/monetization of TLP has gotten so bold, so in-your-face, that recently DE's IT geeks began blocking any & all direct links to, I'm guessing 'cause they wouldn't play the This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others *game* (The Disclaimer is posted @ the top of *every* emporium page).

Oh, I just remembered I was *temp* banned 10 years ago for calling out St. Bill Finnegan's hypocrisy for playing victim while selling *new* OG Klons for $1500+++ on eBay...

Anyways, Happy Holidays! my fellow rascals! :pee
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Looks like a lot of you banned "members" found a new home, trust me it's a *much* better alt. than The LARP Page fka TGP due to the founding "members" selling out to Digital Enthused in 2019...

I'm not banned, still plan on using The Emporium for local sales/trades, but I'm done with the nonstop role-playing games, cosplay, guitar hero, vanity et al. $hit$how ~ It's turned into a great big circle jerk, with many newer "members" clearly not even musos, engaged in some strange fantasy where collecting/obsessing on gear is the price of admission...

Latest "member" trend: The Chatty Kathy , Self-Absorbed Vanity and/or Attention Ho "expert" posters/poseurs (look for the post count :ROFLMAO:) are appealing to the gullible members of the "community" after suffering medical issues/costs and/or unexpected expenditures via Go-Fund-Me (I hit the lotto Ma!).

Anyways, I'm pretty much done with the grab a$$ posts & volunteering to add to DE's (Are You Not Enthused?) click through, data scraping & other numbers games to enrich some wannabe Mark Zuckerburglar :wat

The commodification/monetization of TLP has gotten so bold, so in-your-face, that recently DE's IT geeks began blocking any & all direct links to, I'm guessing 'cause they wouldn't play the This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others *game* (The Disclaimer is posted @ the top of *every* emporium page).

Oh, I just remembered I was *temp* banned 10 years ago for calling out St. Bill Finnegan's hypocrisy for playing victim while selling *new* OG Klons on eBay, for $1500 on eBay...

Anyways, Happy Holidays! my fellow rascals! :pee
I got banned for "rules violation" for posting a blooz jam over there today.


I got banned for "rules violation" for posting a blooz jam over there today.


Are you sure that wasn't back in 2021, that's what a search shows as your last activity :unsure:

Or did they delete all your content back that far? :ROFLMAO:

Wouldn't be surprised, perhaps you did what a lot of longtime TGPers like me did, deleting most of my "content" back to incept, when the place started going full retard?

It's been noticed you're only able to go back six (6) now (I went back 15+ years :p)...

P.S. I don't have any problemo, at all, with Brian & Scott profiting for their part in creating & running TGP (Hell I'm former eBiz owner myself), but I'm of the opinion they should have offered the site for sale to the "members" that actually turned the joint into it's former blazing glory, i.e. The Premier site for *all* things guitar gear related.

Now it's looking more like Harmony Central :wat

I'm also, probably, still a little peeved about Brian & Scott reneging on those of us who spent the coin to purchase "Lifetime" memberships, once-upon-a-time, to support a *massive* server upgrade in like 2011ish...

- Remember, there is zero fun in those people there.
- Remember, there is zero fun in those people there.
- Remember, there is zero fun in those people there.
- Remember, there is zero fun in those people there.
The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy GIF
The whole warning/infraction point system they've got going over there is total bullshit IMO. Treating adults like children... WTF.

Let alone they're dealing with it like children themselves, simply because there's *no* system behind it at all. When I got permabanned I only got one infraction point. WTF? At least have a system such as 1 infraction point being a week off, collect 3 and you're out - or so. But that doesn't exist.
They're just dumbasses all together.
I still think if you just avoid some of the forums and topics there, you are fine.

It seems most of them just want to keep it very boring and neutral. So when things get a bit opionated, then people start reacting aggressively pretty quickly. And then the member who is there the longest gets the thumb up from the moderators.

Joking is out of the question. That seems to go over the heads really fast (which is part of being boring and neutral).

What disturbs me the most is that the communication can sometimes be of the brick of bullying where the buddies of the bully all do laughing smileys and come along... Then when the person fights back he gets banned.

There is unfortunatly more activitiy there than here, but the combination of TGF + Reddit works well for me.
And what is really fucked up.. it;s completely the opposite for the long term members. They can joke, fuck around, go off-topic and what not.

But I always try to look on the bright side. I really think a lot of these people there are already in retirement. They are bored, maybe some are even lonely. So it's good that they at least have some people there to talk too.
What disturbs me the most is that the communication can sometimes be of the brick of bullying where the buddies of the bully all do laughing smileys and come along... Then when the person fights back he gets banned.
Well TGP management need to take a long, hard look in the mirror...because if that's the case then that IS fucked. That place has really gone downhill the last year or so.