Advice On Audio Interface Purchase

It was never just a connector. It's an interface developed by Intel and Apple, which was originally used with its own connector until moving to use the USB-C connector. USB4 is based on Thunderbolt 3. TB4 and TB5 converge with USB4's newer iterations but are not the same.

Most audio interfaces using USB-C are nothing but USB 2.0 because that's enough bandwidth until you start to have a ton of inputs/outputs. The connector just changed from USB-B to C, which is a nice improvement as it allows the connector to take less space and no need to hunt for those damn "printer cables."

But for connecting more mic pres, another audio interface or modeler to a single audio interface, SPDIF/AES/EBU and optical ADAT are still the defacto ways to do it. Adding USB host functionality to chain multiple audio interfaces together seems like it might be ripe for problems like sync and latency issues.

So I don't see those older connections going away, other than makers of audio interfaces not adding them to anything, but their larger, more expensive "pro" models, rather than the "prosumer" market.

I think most here don't use SPDIF for anything but hooking up their favorite modeler digitally to an audio interface. Most modelers on the market are kinda crap at being audio interfaces themselves, with poor support for multiple sample rates, lacking in physical input/output level controls, I/O routing capabilities etc that are fairly standard on even cheaper audio interfaces. I could never perceive a difference hooking up my modelers via analog outs vs SPDIF, but keeping it digital is still technically better.
"I could never perceive a difference hooking up my modelers via analog outs vs SPDIF, but keeping it digital is still technically better."

Well it sounds like a case of DAC vs DAC to me. The DAC in the modeler vs the DAC in your audio interface. I suspect the latter is a better DAC.

From the link....

Useful Analogy
A good analogy is to think of it as a drainpipe and a tennis ball. The tennis ball is the data, and the width of the pipe signifies available bandwidth. With the drainpipe set at the same angle, letting go of the ball at the top of the drainpipe will see it arrive at the bottom in a given amount of time. That's your latency, the time it takes to go from end to end.

In terms of our analogy, USB 3.0 offers a much wider pipe. This means that it could allow a greater number of tennis balls (more data) to travel down the pipe, but the balls would not travel down the pipe any faster– there is no latency improvement. This is the same when comparing USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 in terms of the way they transfer audio data.

This doesn't mean the higher bandwidth offered by USB 3.0 does not benefit some situations, e.g., for hard drive transfer times it makes a huge difference. However, for our largest channel count USB audio interface, the Scarlett 18i20/Clarett+ 8Pre, USB 2.0 provides more than enough bandwidth to deliver 18 channels of audio inputs and 20 channels of audio outputs simultaneously.
While we are on the subject on non-sequiturs, the Bohr radius of a hydrogen atom in its ground state is 5.29177210903x 10-11 meters.

Good thing to know for one's California Driver's License.
I'll gladly hook up my Fractal devices to my Mac via USB btw. No need for S/PDIF.

You have budget devices which have no SPDIF, and that seems to be confusing you into thinking SPDIF has no purpose. Almost all higher end audio interfaces and multi fx units have SPDIF and that is useful for connecting them together digitally. SPDIF is used for that purpose, not USB.
I think the two most bang for the buck interfaces out right now are the SSL-12 and the Presonus Quantum HD2. They can both be had for around $425 or so with a discount. The SSL likely has better mic preamps. The difference in latency is probably negligible. I like the half rack from factor of the Quantum HD2 over the desktop SSL.
You have budget devices which have no SPDIF, and that seems to be confusing you into thinking SPDIF has no purpose. Almost all higher end audio interfaces and multi fx units have SPDIF and that is useful for connecting them together digitally. SPDIF is used for that purpose, not USB.
"Budget" devices you say? Do tell. I had no idea MOTU was a budget device.

Would you like to compare guitars now? I might have a guitar worth more than your entire collection. Care to try wiseguy?

Tell us stories of your intrepid latency quest. Meanwhile you are recording metal. For discerning listeners.
"Budget" devices you say? Do tell. I had no idea MOTU was a budget device.

Would you like to compare guitars now? I might have a guitar worth more than your entire collection. Care to try wiseguy?

Tell us stories of your intrepid latency quest. Meanwhile you are recording metal. For discerning listeners.

Yes, your MOTU M4 and Line6 HX Stomp are budget models of each company's product line.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here and assuming you are just clueless and not a troll. But this is looking like some kind of a fraternity prank where you've been forced to join an internet forum and post as much nonsense as possible in 72 hours. Mission accomplished, you can stop now.
Just a heads up, because I know you’re new here, but 99.99% of the members here could probably give a shit.
Nor do I care about someone spending thousands to get to 1 ms latency, to record metal, for discerning listeners. 1 track at a time.
Yes, your MOTU M4 and Line6 HX Stomp are budget models of each company's product line.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here and assuming you are just clueless and not a troll. But this is looking like some kind of a fraternity prank where you've been forced to join an internet forum and post as much nonsense as possible in 72 hours. Mission accomplished, you can stop now.
You sound like one of those sound "engineers" who worries about 1 ms latency all day, then rides home on a Harley.

I hope discerning metal listeners appreciate your art.

Satellites have atomic clocks accurate to one part in 10 to the 23d. Let me know when you are there.
Would you like to compare guitars now? I might have a guitar worth more than your entire collection. Care to try wiseguy?
The conversation is about interfaces….

Additionally the worth of one’s gear compared to someone else’s doesn’t matter. You’re going to play yours, and someone else is going to play theirs.

Nor do I care about someone spending thousands to get to 1 ms latency, to record metal, for discerning listeners. 1 track at a time.
That’s your prerogative, Though I fail to see how that moves the conversation forward.
You sound like one of those sound "engineers" who worries about 1 ms latency all day, then rides home on a Harley.

I hope discerning metal listeners appreciate your art.

Satellites have atomic clocks accurate to one part in 10 to the 23d. Let me know when you are there.

My lord, what a c*nt.

Might be the fastest/highest post count to ban ratio I’ve seen in nearly 30 years of forums.