3.5 HX Cabinets

Are you using the updated cabs?

  • Using them

  • Using them and my go to IRs

  • Went back to my go to IRs

  • I don’t own anything that uses them, however I’d like to see the poll results

Results are only viewable after voting.
I said "using them" but I haven't gone back and updated the handful of older presets I have with IRs in them. Never had any go-to IRs. I'll probably stick with the new cabs for any new presets I make.
Giving them a try, building presets around them in Native. So far, pretty useful for sure.
Haven't tried them yet, as I'm using the FM9 more since I got it. Thanks for the reminder to check out how the updated cabs sound and work. From what I recall, it shows a visual representation of the mic on the cab for moving the mic around. So much more intuitive than scrolling through a text list of different mic positions for IRs.
using the bass ones a ton! but for guitars I'm generally using my own stuff. its still great having better ones included, really helps for getting things going quicker.
using them for recording and to practice at home but live i still play through a tube power section and real cabs.
They're good. If I didn't already have a bunch of IRs I know and love I would use them more. But since I've already got my fav IRs loaded it's much faster/simpler to just load one of those.

But for new presets where I need that extra block it's a very welcome option that finally sounds good enough to be worth using.
I was using and enjoying them, then sold my HX Stomp and got an Axe 3, so I haven't played through Line 6 stuff much. I dabbled a couple times on Native but not too much. I think they were a huge improvement over the old cabs though and sound really good.
Using the new dual Cab for my current patch, can say this, was super easy and quick to find what worked
as for now all my IR's are stored in folder, if ever i cant get what i require from the new cabs, then ill look to my IR's
I like them.
You can really get great sounds.

I've switched to them in my presets for headphones/low level playing and haven't felt the need to switch back to IRs so far.

If I were doing more recording I'd probably use both.
Tried them with Native to confirm the better sound overall, then migrated my presets with an online tool a good fellow created.

Also on the process of changing my main distortion sound. I was using the Revv Gen Red amp distortion, but noticed that the fuzzes sound much better with the new cabs (I couldn't use them before), so I made a preset with some of them and a Ratatouille and I'm currently choosing what's the best sounding one for my band.
Haven’t tried them, and so can’t vote. And if I don’t vote, I can’t see what others have voted.

le sigh
You're in luck, @Gearzilla added le option just for you. I still cannot see le results because I own le HX Stomp that uses them, haven't tried them yet, and there is no option available for le me.
You're in luck, @Gearzilla added le option just for you. I still cannot see le results because I own le HX Stomp that uses them, haven't tried them yet, and there is no option available for le me.
I’m sure you’ll either eventually try them or figure out a work around.
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Like this Alex ?


I do like a baked-in signature tone.

I play through my Creambackatana most of the time so my go-to IR is a tweaked capture of that. The new cabs are great - I've played the hell out of them in Fight Club and think they're way better than the Legacy cabs. If I were strictly a Full-Ranger or did a lot more recording I'd probably be using them.