2024 Do Something Challenge Offseason and Director’s Cut thread

South Indian groove metal, as I like to think of it. Hope the rules don't require you to have a full band mix, this is just me working on a tune I wrote. One shot, one take.

Gear used was am ESP RZK-II into a Neural DSP Quad Cortex.

Note to self: Change strings every now and then. This is an Axe FXIII tone that I had created and revisited using a guitar that's just been restrung. This should be pretty basic, but alas, I ignored the fact that new strings equals more tone.

I tried a full mix and failed as usual. Drums definitely need to be less staccato. This is a Caparison Horus through a VHT GP3 that's routed through the Axe FXIII. Another song I'm working on.

An Ode to My Wife Without Words. This is just a song I wrote for the love of my life. Ah me, if only I had the skills to express myself better.

winning bart simpson GIF
Keep it up man, great stuff!

Thanks, man.

Here is another track I'm working for, culled from a longer demo video I did for this guitar. Sorry for the Instagram link.

As always, apologies for the mix, or rather lack of it. I have a really poor room, and combine that with really poor ears and it is difficult for me to make logical mixing decisions.

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Ah, I should stop posting. No one else seems to be doing it, so kind of pointless if I'm the only one.

Anyhow, here's a song I was working on.

If you are posting because you want to share your music (or music you are working on), then there is no reason to stop. I would encourage you to continue posting. Have you checked out others postings in the members music sections? Not everybody is going to post in this thread ;~)) Keep it up, it is not a competition (not hear anyway, until the next challenge, then competition is on!!!) ;~))