1 Guitar, 1 Pedal, 1 Amp

Solar A2.6CAR

Boss SD-1

Mesa Badlander


Edit to add cab:

Mesa OS 412

B cab, cause I'm anti-slant, and my neighbors need to hate me more directly.
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My 89' Les Paul custom, My Mark 90 head, My 88' Ampeg 4x12 slant, with G12h 75 Creambacks and V30's. Source Audio EQ2 pedal. :giggle:
and my neighbors need to hate me more directly.
I just spoke with them. They said the new polka riffs have been much more tolerable (compared to the crunchy devil riffs), although they weren't expecting an accordion could get that loud and distorted. "The kids love it these days", I said.
Holy Schnikeys! How do you like that Novo? I really want one.
It (Serus TC purchased new from Mesa Boogie store in LA) is my favorite of the 5 I own, primarily because of the Throbak pickups.

I also own a Miris, Serus J, Serus J Baritone, and a rare Serus Athena (1 of 3 - very rare, built by Dennis Fano in Detroit, before moving to Nashville).




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For what? Home, recording, a local gig, that fantastic “I Rock the World!” imaginary stadium/arena gig I will never actually play…?

Does the imaginary band/gig have keyboards and/or horns?

Ok, ok…

Guitar: Gyrock with all sorts of pickups loaded in the modules.
Pedal: AmpTweaker Big Rock Pro
Amp: Suhr PT-100, Suhr 4x12 with Greenbacks
That's an interesting pedal, don't think I've ever heard of them before? I see they're made in Germany.
Many years ago I stumbled across a Rodenberg GAS-828 on eBay.

I was going thru a big overdrive pedal phase, had never heard of them before. I did some looking around on Harmony Central and any other reviews I could find. All were very positive, so I bought it.

It quickly became my go-to drive pedal.

I eventually bought as second one since I kept a rig at home and another at our rehearsal studio.

The first one I still have (though Fractal has put all my pedal and amp needs to rest). All the labels are hand-lettered, like my other favorite drive the Barber Direct Drive.
Guitar: My PRS CE-24

Pedal: FM3

Amp: My days of lugging around an amp are over. But if I had to choose, a Marshall JCM800 2203 and a 4x12 with greenbacks.