Zakk Is The Man

There’s also 2 versions of biker Zakk-

The early BLS-era/still drinking/tough guy biker Zakk

The post-drinking/goofy/can’t answer a single question with a serious answer first biker Zakk

I’m just glad he stopped saying “Kardashian Ass Diet Shake” over and over and over and over and over. I’ll definitely take goofy Zakk over the tough guy thing, but sometimes it’d be cool to hear an interview where they ask a question and he gives a legit answer the first time around. :rofl
I was a huge RR fan as a kid so everyone else after sucked and I didn't give anyone the time of day. Totally not fair, I know, and it kind of biased me I guess. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm not into biker cringe or chorus effects. I saw him at Gen Axe and his shtick was pretty annoying - the same Pentatonic run over and over while he walked around the aisles followed teams of stage hands all jumping over each other to jack in a new cable into another junction box so he can walk out another 50 feet.

So far this thread has shown me the light with the acoustic and bluegrass tho.
Zakk seems like a great guy. But his schtick at Generation Axe was horrible. He used that nasty ass overly distorted tone to play the same pentatonic licks over and over and over and over and over and over during Whipping Post and Little Wing. Just fucking dreadful. And the whole faux biker gang thing is just cheesy as fuck.
What’s this about faux bikers 😂😂😂😂