You ever take long breaks from playing?


Just shooting this out there. There was a period after my last gig in October where I didn’t have anything lined up until January. I didn’t pick up the guitar for that period with the holidays, kids activities, and mostly just a lack of enthusiasm to play. I came back feeling really refreshed and ready to start gigging again. Any one go through similar periods?
I was in an awesome band from 1989-1993 then the other guy in the band followed a girl to California and left me behind. I kinda went into a funk and just never could replace him as a friend or a band member. I kept a guitar and amp around but neither wrote music nor practiced until I decided to join a church band in 2016.

So i guess I quit playing for about 23 years.
Just shooting this out there. There was a period after my last gig in October where I didn’t have anything lined up until January. I didn’t pick up the guitar for that period with the holidays, kids activities, and mostly just a lack of enthusiasm to play. I came back feeling really refreshed and ready to start gigging again. Any one go through similar periods?
Yep. I had a really long break when my daughter was born. I started playing again when she was young. It was kind of funny. I bought an acoustic guitar so I could have something around to just grab and play. She asked me why I bought a guitar when I didn't know how to play. My wife said, he does know how to play. She had never seen me play one. She had one of her CDs playing and I started figuring the songs out while they were playing and by the time each song was getting close to half way through I was playing along with them. That gave a false impression that learning to play guitar must be really easy. When she was a little older I bought her a guitar and she found out how difficult it really is and didn't stick with it.

I have had much shorter breaks throughout my playing. I find that many times I come back from the break with a much more clear head, am more relaxed and my hands seem to go where I want them to easier. I think a break now and then can be a good thing.
Every 3-4 months I end up not touching a guitar for a couple weeks at a time. It’s my built in “never top yourself” function as it keeps me perpetually in catch-up mode. It’s generally after I finish a song and I’ve had a guitar in my hands nonstop for a few weeks, which sucks because that’s always when my playing is at it’s best, then I hit the reset switch and have to catch up to my former self again.
definitely so.. life kinda tends to do it to you. i took a break for maybe ten years-- not NOT playing-- but not playing electric- and it mostly had to do with just changing careers, getting married, renovating houses... lotta thirties flux. I came back to it for sure-- but hit 50, and it happened again between losing a parent, changing careers again, and other stuff for a coupla years, but back at it again. music never gets fully jettisoned, but sometimes has to hibernate a while.
An interesting thing for me is when I came back from that long break after my daughter was born, I felt the stress relief that playing gave me. It was very good for stress relief. I told myself at that point that I can never take a long break like that again because this stress relief was really needed in my life. As life would have it, I have had some breaks since then but none anywhere near that long. I keep guitars out and around me all the time so I can just grab one and play a little.

As a side to this, during that one really long break I had, I was heads down digging into computers and programming. It put me on a different path for work that has very much so panned out for me so I can't say it wasn't worth it. I just wish I had kept playing along with all of the other learning I was doing. When I started playing again, I jumped back in with both feet.
I basically didn't play guitar during my final year of school. I was renting a room in a house and was working about 70 hours a week. I just didn't have the energy to play and I didn't want to annoy my roommates. The following year and a half or so I only played for a few minutes a week.

I didn't find it to be rejuvenating to my playing in any way, but it was also a much longer period than you did.
I go through spells of less play time, but never fully stop playing for long periods. Probably 2 weeks has been the longest I can think of and that was because I was traveling or on vacation. But even then I'd find a way to hit a music store, much to my wife's delight. :rofl
But not every year has been equal with quality play time.
I use my hands, but I totally get you, bro.

Try something new. :)

There are actually some videos on YouTube of a guy that plays with his feet. Man, that kind of makes me want to just burn all of my guitars.
Try something new. :)

There are actually some videos on YouTube of a guy that plays with his feet. Man, that kind of makes me want to just burn all of my guitars.
I quit guitar and sold everything for about a year, sometime in 2018 thru late 2019. Horrible decision and, while I won’t make excuses related to a toxic relationship and low point in life

On the bright side, once getting back in the flow I now have one of my best gear collections and most enjoyable and fulfilling band situation ever