Wondering About Renting Some Rehearsal Space At My House


Rock Star
My roommate of 4 years is leaving me next month, and I'll have a house to myself, as well as a 2-bay garage that's been partitioned off at about the halfway point (so cars can't fit, but it's a decent man-cave space), and an upstairs apartment with a downstairs kitchen. But that apartment needs work to make it rentable.

I'll need to find someone to move into the main house with me, but as I was thinking about how to go about this so I don't get a bad roomy, I thought about maybe renting out that garage part as a rehearsal space.

Although my reservations are that I live down a 2/10 mile lane, I'm surrounded by woods, and have no close neighbors. So I'm pretty secluded. I was never worried because my roommate is family, and someone was usually home, since we worked opposite schedules. I guess I could buy some security cameras, which I probably should do either way.

I'm not near a large city, and we have a population of about 100,000, say in a 30 mile radius, so I don't know if something like this would generate much interest. But it's just a thought right now. I suppose I could throw up some local ads to see if there's any interest.

Does this seem worthwhile?