I can honestly say out of all the years I went to a music store -- an employee never hooked a guitar up for me and proceeded to play/test it out. At best they flipped on the amp and provided a cable. This would be at a GC, Mars Music or Ken Stanton Music that I frequented a lot in the day, but very rarely now.
There's only one time that stands out to me where I was playing some clean style funk through an amp (could have been the Roland BC60/310 I ended up buying that day) and one of the employees came up to me, an older gentlemen, and gave me some nice comments on my playing. He asked if I knew any AWB (Average White Band) songs and I said "no, but I should because I like them a lot". He looked like he wanted to show me so I handed him the guitar and he proceeded to play the main riffs to "Cut the Cake" and did so very well. It put a smile on my face, I definitely wasn't upset about it? If anything it put a little fire under my butt to keep learning and improving.