Why do people think aliens can't exist?

Given the myriad conditions in which life on Earth can thrive, and given similar conditions exist or have existed right here in our solar system, it's quite possible that we could discover life or history of life close to home.
Similar conditions may have existed on Venus and/or Mars in the early solar system, but both are tectonically inert and have no magnetosphere to protect life from radiation. No other planet has a moon so large as to be almost a a doubl-planet that effects the tides on our oceans exposed to the sun. If life exuists elsewhere in the solar system that would a great discovery... but complex life capable of making astronomical instruments and sending out space-probes?

We have no idea how life began (speciation once life begins is a different issue), no idea how it moved from ocean to land and we don't seem to have reliable evidence of UFO's so far.

All life that we know of evolved to live on this planet and no other, and I expect the same would hold for other life forms and their homes.

I'm more interested in the problems in our current theories the James Webb Telescope discoveries are causing.