Why are harmonized guitars so fun!?

It was always the best when playing this stuff live or in rehearsal to hit those guitar harmonies together and also so disappointing when you are learning a song/practicing by yourself when you don't have the second guitar part:

I know exactly what you mean, there’s nothing better than playing harmonies together live and feeling it lock in!
Harmonised lead guitars are my favourite thing in the world. I'm sure every song I've ever written has some kind of harmonised line, sometimes with 3 guitars. :ROFLMAO:

I am, however, extremely picky with the note choices of harmonies, to the point that I've got into heated arguments about it. If someone plays an aeolian based harmony line during a chord progression that will heavily imply a dorian mode, I will go insane.
I was bored and all the talk around here about Autumn Leaves gave me this goofy idea for a hard rock version.

It all started with one little harmony on part of the melody at the end… and it escalated quickly!

I couldn’t stop myself. It’s so fun coming up with tons of layered harmonized guitars… even to the point of absurdity like this I had to stop myself from doing more :rofl

What is it that’s so fun about doing this? Or is it just me :geek:

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This was a fun listen! So many things can be reimagined in the rock style. My humble submission
