Why are guitar players so weak?

Seriously, what is up with people? All these musicians that can’t manage to lift a 2x12 cab and have to use an "FRFR" that weighs the same as a bag of sugar.

You even see it with things like the Helix. “Oh it’s way too big and heavy”. I mean really? It’s less than 7kg? Can you not even pick up a big watermelon that weighs about the same?

And don’t get me started on guitars. Trying to sell some currently and it’s a constant “what does it weigh?” I don’t know, but I do know that you don’t even have to lift it that much because it hangs off a strap. And my 3 year old can have it on her lap without complaining so I’m sure a grown man will manage.

Rant over, for now.
Consider if you had to move that without a car. I know, this is not a very common scenario for US folks.

There's plenty of gear out there that isn't a weightlifting exercise and sounds great. Why not use it?

The Helix Floor is big and heavy, for a modeler. So is Fractal.

It has nothing to do with "ooh I can't lift it", but add all the other stuff you want to carry and it adds up.
I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every night I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

And that’s why Tonex One is too big a modeler for me.
I can carry half a Tonex nano at most, if such a thing existed. The mere thought of it makes me tired. I’m going to go lay down. I hope I recover.
We already have so much to lift with our immense, bloated egos
ego inflating GIF by Jon Newman
Seriously, what is up with people? All these musicians that can’t manage to lift a 2x12 cab and have to use an ""FRFR"" that weighs the same as a bag of sugar.

You even see it with things like the Helix. “Oh it’s way too big and heavy”. I mean really? It’s less than 7kg? Can you not even pick up a big watermelon that weighs about the same?

And don’t get me started on guitars. Trying to sell some currently and it’s a constant “what does it weigh?” I don’t know, but I do know that you don’t even have to lift it that much because it hangs off a strap. And my 3 year old can have it on her lap without complaining so I’m sure a grown man will manage.

Rant over, for now.
I think most of those people don't know or forgot what lifting a 4x12 or a fender combo is like.
I still lift my two 2x12s, pedalboard with fm9+other stuff and keep my guitar with mahogany solid-body on my shoulder for hours, despite doctors telling me to avoid that due to my cervical arthrosis... I'd definitely need a lighter setup but I don't want it, if it means renouncing to the awesome guitar tones I get with that setup!
Back in HS in the 1970s, I used a Peavey Mace with a 4x12 cab, and never gave a thought to how heavy it was; all I thought about was how many faces I’m gonna melt.

Flash forward to a 65 year old with a bad back who’s so happy I traded my Roland Blues Cube Artist for a Henriksen Blu Six.
yeah I usually gig with my amps. Pretty much all the places we regularly play don't have any stairs. That's easy to find out beforehand anyway.

But most importantly, we usually play shows with other bands and before shows we always talk and figure out backline. One band provides the kit, the other provides a guitar cab, bass cab etc and it makes it easier on everyone. I am actually the one who usually brings my 4x12 and let every band use it. Or even my amp if someone wants to plug their board into it. It doesn't bother me at all.