Who wasn’t using a Marshall??


Rock Star
Back in the 70s - early 80s it seems like Marshall amps were almost universal for rock and anything else a distorted guitar was used for.

So who wasn’t using a Marshall back then in the rock scene?

The only one that I can really think of is Brian May. I think I remember hearing something about Ted Nugent using cranked Fender Twins?
Does Neil Young count as Rock? I think he is at least in the rock part of a Venn diagram and he mostly used a Tweed Deluxe, right?

I take your point concerning the omnipresence of Marshall, though!
Does Neil Young count as Rock? I think he is at least in the rock part of a Venn diagram and he mostly used a Tweed Deluxe, right?

I take your point concerning the omnipresence of Marshall, though!

Good call! I think you’re right about him using a tweed deluxe
Didn't jimmy page use a hiwatt originally and switch to marshall for touring because it was easier to find parts?
What's interesting is that it seems like Marshall's were so ubiquitous that the players who didn't use them have tone that is more memorable/recognizable.

Even though that Marshall tone is great, the ones who didn't use it stand out in the sea of Marshall users.
Yup. It also seems to show that guitarists/musicians were not nearly as precious
about their live sound matching their recorded tones.
Wasn’t it a Supro?

Univox for a cup of coffee too.

Off the top of my head:
Leslie West used Sunn PA amps with Mountain (but played Marshalls for the West, Bruce, and Laing tour).
Johnny Winter played Super Reverbs (usually several).
Ted Nugent played Fender Twins and/or Showman amps with Showman cabs with the Amboy Dukes.
Carlos Santana played Gallien-Krueger amps.
John Fogerty played Kustom amps with Creedence Clearwater Revival.
Frank Zappa played a rack-based rig with JBL D140s during the 1970s.