Which shopping personality are you??


Are you the type that impulse buys brand new cars or do you ponder a lunch menu until it’s time for dinner?

Question sparked by a “still on the fence” thread on another forum. Some people are on the fence for a hundred dollar BOSS pedal. Just get the damn thing. Or don’t. Energy is a finite resource. Even more so than money.
Depends. For the most part, I’m a research-first buyer, holding off for what I perceive to be the best deal for what I want. But there have been crazy deals too good to pass up that I saw and got on the spot. One example being a JCM 800 2210 for $250 about 22 years ago.
Well, considering I made a spreadsheet a few years back when shopping for a car, and I'm shopping NOW, for a car that I'm not even going to buy until next April or May, that kind of tells you about me, lol.

I have been known to be impulsive too, but with much lower dollar amounts.
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kinda in the middle. i dont really impulse buy or take that long. mainly its price for me. i kinda make it a mission to get a good deal but its not an impulse buy or one that takes forever.
What's that saying? Oh yeah, "sh*t or get off the pot".............
I'm the kind who will research every single option and then probably still buys what I was interested in originally.

It took me something like 6 months to buy a hollowbody because I was trying to figure out the right option. Ended up with a Schecter Coupe that I had seen very early on when I thought a hollowbody would be nice. But at least by then it was on a good discount!
Hahahahah all of the above.

I used to debate any purchase over $100 for days, now it depends on what it is and how much I have in the bank.
If it’s pricy, generally I’m simply just the incremental sale (as I often explain to “sales engineers” lol)

It’s funny when contractors roll up to offer bids… They see the cars, the house, the hood, and they start making stupid comments.

I remind them that I spent all my money on those things and there’s just not much left. 😝