When You Gaze Into the Abyss…

1A. Powerball

I really dug the Uberschall, but I found I could get close enough to the uber high gain tones I wanted with other modules that werent so noisey and a little more versatile. It’s a beast though. That said channel 1 dialed back just a touch gets some of the best sleazy 80’s metal tones (said in the best possible way) you’ll ever hear.

I need to try the IICP.
Wow this Uberschall module is absolutely sick! No boost necessary and it's smooth as silk, yet brutal on the Red channel.

I did replace the stock 12AX7 in the SYN-2 with a Mesa Boogie JJ. The stock tube was an ARS 12AX7 labled JJ/Tesla which I did not care for. I also tried a JAN-Philips 12AT7WC for kicks and it sucked. Even though they are both JJ tubes, the Mesa one sounds better to me so it's staying.

Boy the controls on these modules sure are touchy, probably because the pots are so small? Tiny adjustments go a long way.

Uberschall module FTW so far!
I loved The Black Hole as a kid and have not seen it since. Would love a rewatch. Is it on Disney Plus? We have that.
Now you have. I love mine. In fact I used it to create IRs recently. It’s a fantastic flat power amp that’s also tube, and you can adjust the presence and depth to your liking. It sounds great with the FM9, Axe FX, and I adore my synergy rig.

Here’s a recording of it with the SLO module:

I have one, too, and am quite happy with it. @2112 has one and has done some great YT vids with it. No one seems to complain when he does. :D
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No complaints with the SYN5050. I've been on a big Marshall kick recently and the Syn 800/5050 combo is right up there with my favourite Marshall heads. Being able to switch to the Uber or IICP module immediately is ridiculous fun. Still need to try the SLO module though.
Yes it is. 5 year old me thought it was a sci-fi masterpiece. 46 year old me was not as impressed. Still worth a nostaligia viewing tho!

Yes, I found it and watched it last weekend. As you say, cool to see again, but not a masterpiece, haha. Some (most) of the dialogue and acting was brutal. But some cool ideas and imagery. Loved the "robot funeral" idea and scene.