What's Your Favorite Drive in the Fractal, and How Do You Use It?


Rock Star
Like, in front of a clean amp for just a boost, or some EOB, or to tighten up a DR perhaps, etc. Solo boost in front of a JCM800 Dave?

What drive, and what amp, and how's it set?

I'm running through some to try and get just a bit more sustain for a legato solo that involves pinky pull-offs, so I need just a bit more..., more.
I have a few since we have 4 channels here they are in no order
1. maxxon 808
2. Nobels ODR1
3, Horizon

The Maxxon is used to push front end or also for solo

Nobels is used for crunch and leads

Horizon for shaping the front end and tailoring the attack

Klone same use as 808 , different flavour
Oh, and why do you like this one? Did you try them all (:knit) before landing on it, or was it just one that you had/have the pedal of, so that's why you use it?
I probably shouldn't comment since I don't have a Fractal? :LOL:
But in HX I like boosting the PV Panama with a TS. More than enough gain for legato or whatever.

I like the PV gain because it takes a neck pickup very well, keeps it tight and percussive.
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I'm on a JP preset, using the JPIIC+ Yellow, and I added the OD-One Overdrive Drive, and hit the boost on the Majesty, and even though it's a shit-ton of gain, flicking on the neck PU and running through a part of a sextuplet riff of his that I can actually blaze through, and OMG did it sound just like JP! Hell yeah!!

That creamy, blooohh blooh bloodoo, blooohdoo..... (yeah, that's exactly how that sound is spelled guys!)
I am an SD-1 into JCM800 all day long kind of guy. I could use that pair and
be happy the rest of my life. :love

(.85 Drive, 4.5 Tone, 10.00 Level)

I do dabble with some others (like other TS-style variants that lop off some low-end
and have enough volume to slam the front of an amp---Lovepedal Eternity, Maxon 808,
TS-808, TS-9).
99% of the time an 808 or SD1. All level no gain.

If I’m wanting to add a touch of dirt to a clean tone with a pedal, it’s a Blues Driver or OCD. (Though I generally want distortion coming from the amp and not a pedal, personally)
Now that the Morning Glory is “fixed” I love it and go to it a lot. Also using the Nobles a lot and loving it. I really like the fine control over the bass.

I use the RC boost a ton in front of Fender amps.

Always love an SD-1 in front of a Marshall.

I know it’s terribly cliche, but for my current show I’m using the OD250 into a 50w Plexi with a Strat and it is a beautiful thing
Amp block CC Boost is my go to for some extra howsitgarn. Grinder boost for super tight modern stuff. The preamp boost feature in the amp block really is a fantastic feature.

I use the Fuzz Face and Hot Cake models a lot if I want something into a cleaner amp.
These --->


Depends, could be any of these

:cool: :p:guiness
The TS for sure is my absolute must-have for most presets. I really like mid-boosted drives for leads and tightening high gain amps. But the MVP in my book is the Timmy (Timothy). The three modes alone can pretty much get you all the sounds you’d want from an overdrive (going into distortion and even fuzz territory) and I LOVE the way it just pushes the amp just enough without taking the character of the amp away. And the two treble and bass (cut) knobs are enough tone shapers for it to do a mid-hump or a treble boost if needed.
The TS for sure is my absolute must-have for most presets. I really like mid-boosted drives for leads and tightening high gain amps. But the MVP in my book is the Timmy (Timothy). The three modes alone can pretty much get you all the sounds you’d want from an overdrive (going into distortion and even fuzz territory) and I LOVE the way it just pushes the amp just enough without taking the character of the amp away. And the two treble and bass (cut) knobs are enough tone shapers for it to do a mid-hump or a treble boost if needed.
Timmy Up with a little bass cut in front of the Deluxe Vibrato channel is :chef
99% of the time an 808 or SD1. All level no gain.
+1, I am running mostly 4CM w/ an amp right now. Not sure of the exact ratio but the SD1 is definitely the bigger number.

Those are the classic boosts so no messing with a good thing. Ironically, I have both of those pedals IRL but the switching on the Fractal is so awesome that there is no point in using them. Setup the scene with the one you want and forget about it. :love
the Fractal is so awesome that there is no point in using them. Setup the scene with the one you want and forget about it. :love

Dude I have specifically gone out of my way to not run the AxeFX in 4CM with my amps specifically because I know it’s going to ruin the fun of buying pedals and screwing around with my pedal board builds. I haven’t even run it through a cab because I think that will probably extend to ruining my desire to keep buying amps. I don’t want to accept that all I probably need is an FC12 with the Axe and then to choose my own adventure from there (4CM w/amp or direct to PA and CAB)

That is bumming me out just thinking about it. :ROFLMAO:
SD-1 in front of any Marshall-amp for rock/hardrock. CC Boost for leads across all amps. Grinder boost in the Preamp block for 90 percent of my high-gain rhythm tones (if an amp isn't that woofy, then I'll stick the Horizon Drive in front in a separate block).