What pedal or pedals would you add to a HX Stomp?

the swede

Interested in your opinions and experiences. I’ve used my stomp in all kinds of ways since 2018, for the moment all by it self.

Ive used it with external delays and reverbs, which at one point felt reasonable. Now maybe not. Except for if one is interested in the more quirky stuff from EQD, OBNE and other quirky peculiar brands. I’m torn here… the quirky pedals often seem to be very 1 trick pony oriented. Then there’s the super advanced stuff like GFI, Meris, Source Audio and so on. Personally I try to avoid adding such things on top of the already advanced HX Stomp.

Then there’s modeling itself. I used an Iridium for a while in the attempt to use the Stomp as an FX only box, which it does great. But I kept coming back to the amp model variety in the Stomp.

Then there’s the dirt/compression/preamp thing. This I haven’t tried yet. But I read about it all the time. There are tons of people swearing by their Greers, Hudsons, Duellists, Bensons, Fairfield Circuitry, revival drives and so on…. I know that the most common types of OD’s and Drivea are in there so no point in adding those. But the more refined “luxury” (if you will) preamp/boosts/OD’s might add a new level of base tone. Tend to be very expensive though.

Either way, it sometimes does a lot to add a few pedals and either squeeze them into a fx block or run them in front.

What’s yo opinion?
industrialectric rm-1n
EQD dispatch master, afterneath, transmisser

an amp model of the the verellen skyhammer and loucks
industrialectric rm-1n
EQD dispatch master, afterneath, transmisser

an amp model of the the verellen skyhammer and loucks
industrialectric rm-1n seems really interesting to me, its like a perfect post-rock shoegaze box... basically what I often do combining effects. I guess the Keeley Loomer is in the same vein.
No. Sell HX Stomp, all other pedals you have, and buy a Helix.
Cure your GAS in one easy step.
No. Sell HX Stomp, all other pedals you have, and buy a Helix.
Cure your GAS in one easy step.
Tried that, done that… 2 times actually. Doesn’t work for me. It’s like trying to be something you are not, both psychologically and physically.

For others probably or as Jive said… “cured”

The most incredible thing with this is that both of you are 100% right.
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Interested in your opinions and experiences. I’ve used my stomp in all kinds of ways since 2018, for the moment all by it self.

Ive used it with external delays and reverbs, which at one point felt reasonable. Now maybe not. Except for if one is interested in the more quirky stuff from EQD, OBNE and other quirky peculiar brands. I’m torn here… the quirky pedals often seem to be very 1 trick pony oriented. Then there’s the super advanced stuff like GFI, Meris, Source Audio and so on. Personally I try to avoid adding such things on top of the already advanced HX Stomp.

Then there’s modeling itself. I used an Iridium for a while in the attempt to use the Stomp as an FX only box, which it does great. But I kept coming back to the amp model variety in the Stomp.

Then there’s the dirt/compression/preamp thing. This I haven’t tried yet. But I read about it all the time. There are tons of people swearing by their Greers, Hudsons, Duellists, Bensons, Fairfield Circuitry, revival drives and so on…. I know that the most common types of OD’s and Drivea are in there so no point in adding those. But the more refined “luxury” (if you will) preamp/boosts/OD’s might add a new level of base tone. Tend to be very expensive though.

Either way, it sometimes does a lot to add a few pedals and either squeeze them into a fx block or run them in front.

What’s yo opinion?
Still adding a reverb pedal for my liking.
I run a couple drives with any HX device: Keeley Fuzz Head and MXR CBMOD.

Helix drives are great, but I still prefer real pedals for that, especially the Fuzz Head. Very unique pedal that I’m completely hooked on.
I run a couple drives with any HX device: Keeley Fuzz Head and MXR CBMOD.

Helix drives are great, but I still prefer real pedals for that, especially the Fuzz Head. Very unique pedal that I’m completely hooked on.
I have a fuzz to, that i never seemed to be able to let go, Dod Carcosa. It’s on and off the board in periods, mostly standing on my studio desk for looks. But it sounds just so damn cool and nothing in the Stomp does what the Carcosa does.
I like to add a compressor and a couple drives.

I still like my Deep Six better than any compressor in HX, and there are a couple favorite drives like the Morning Glory and Nobles ODR-1
Cordy speculated on the nobels coming to helix, it’s also one those drives types I prefer. I’m tempted on the nobels mini actually
Didn't work for me lol. Sold it. Re-bought a Stomp. Going back to gassing.
Good for you mate, good for you! LT/Floor are both awesome and negate the need for anything else. But we love pedals, and stomp is easily one of the best pedals out there. It’s a great pedal with some good helix modeling as a bonus.
Got this crazy little thing second hand yesterday in my local shop. Fairfield Circuitry Modele B

Now… I haven’t really given external drives/boosts/preamps with Stomp a thought before but I’ve seen examples on forums and IG of people using bensons, Hudson’s, greers and all these crazy expensive preamp stuff with the Stomp. Never really bothered to care about such thing.

but I snagged that Modele B and just plugged in and I like what it does.. this is an always on pedal (no switch) version of the Barbershop which I’ve seen many talk highly of. And it certainly does a “thing”. Don’t know yet if it’s a keeper or not, but it’s transparent enough to be thrown into the fx loop so o can turn it off with the stomp if I want to. It certainly has a kind of warmth that feels nice as an always on clean shaper.

It can go wel into distortion territory and the character and feel is much like a deluxe or tweed being cranked. There’s no mid bump, just more of everything, including lows and highs.

We will se… it’s tiny so it can stay for a while.
I'd add "unique" drive pedals, a simple boost, and something for polyphonic pitch if needed, all to save blocks/DSP, while keeping BPM-dependent stuff synced and safe in one place (HX Stomp).
I'd add "unique" drive pedals, a simple boost, and something for polyphonic pitch if needed, all to save blocks/DSP, while keeping BPM-dependent stuff synced and safe in one place (HX Stomp).
Thats a sane standpoint. I often feel I need to try reverbs and delays because of the many good options out there for quirky weird things. Then I feel that it adds to much confusing operating tasks and give that up haha.