WHAT Is The Deal With Some of These Amp Prices??


Rock Star
I thought inflation was at crazy-high levels, but some of these Mesa amp prices are just sick! (Or maybe that is why- people need the cash...?)

A Mark V Head, excellent, for $1800. Nope, wait. A new one just posted for $1600!! And several others under 2K. An excellent combo w/ cover for $2000!

Mark VII combo, $3800 brand new, for $2500. (local PU)


A DR MW, "good", for $1400.
A 2 year-old BL 100, Rack-mount, "excellent", for $1800. And a regular one for $1800.
100 watt Tremoverb 2x12 combo for $1300! (Local PU though.)
A mint Road King head and a "very good" 2x12 combo, each at $1700! (Ok, the mint head wants $150 to ship it (reasonable), but someone else wants $3500 for theirs, excellent, local PU. I guess the "crazy" prices go both ways.)

So many sub $2k ~100 watt Mesas, in great condition out there is giving me post-Christmas GAS!
I'm just glad I got my amp pre covid used on tgp from a guy that gave me a good deal. I couldn't do these new prices even if they are a little lower right now.
I’ve seen 3 < $1200 rev G Dual Rectifiers in the last 2 weeks, one of which I jumped on. Even if the market continues to slip I can live with and defend that purchase in a way I couldn’t at $2k.

The post holiday woes and millions of student loan borrowers being back on the hook this last month might contribute to an expedited offloading of gear.

I don’t think those $3k rectos and $3500 Mark IV listings were ever selling anyway.
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Everytime I've been browsing offerup lately, I keep seeing prs se models hovering around 5 hundo...

I'm getting excited.. good thing I'm wearing sweatpants right now.
FWIW I’m pretty sure that album is mostly a modded and/or boosted JMP. The IIC+ should work for everything after RTL though.
Yup I'm fully aware of what was used on RTL some moded / borrowed from the Studio and boosted JMP 2203 probably a TS
So far I'm getting the best results from the Mesa IIc
The IIc was used slaved through a Marshall on MoP
But we will see what I can come up with that will be closest to RTL
When FM9 gets the 2203
Yup I'm fully aware of what was used on RTL some moded / borrowed from the Studio and boosted JMP 2203 probably a TS
So far I'm getting the best results from the Mesa IIc
The IIc was used slaved through a Marshall on MoP
But we will see what I can come up with that will be closest to RTL
When FM9 gets the 2203
I bet you could substitute one of the MANY fractal 1959 heads in there and still be darn close to RTL. I get what you’re saying about the Mesa doing the job though. The IIC+ is basically synonymous with Hetfield tone. It just sounds right.
I prefer the tones of pre-Mesa Metallica. I prefer the writing and arrangements of MOP, though. :idk

That woefully scooped Mesa thing took over the world, and did so much Damage Inc. in
the process. Bassists everywhere are still trying to recover their former glory. :LOL:
I suspect gear prices have not reached bottom just yet. Be nice to have some extra cash on
hand and bide your time for the right time to pull the trigger on something "used."
Question about the Mark V's I see listed in Mint condition, with a 30-day return policy, at prices only slightly less than new:

Are they really brand-new units, but because of Mesa's policy of "You sell our amps at this price, and only this price," this is how they can discount their inventory, and get them sold?
Could be customer returns that they can't technically sell as "new."

Or open box demo/floor models.
I bet you could substitute one of the MANY fractal 1959 heads in there and still be darn close to RTL. I get what you’re saying about the Mesa doing the job though. The IIC+ is basically synonymous with Hetfield tone. It just sounds right.
True but do have a few other candidates to test out,(the awesomeness of channels in a patch and a looper)
So something like this
A: IIc+
B: 2204 or 2203 (when get update)
C: Splawn 3rd gear
D: SLO ?

and then a TS in front --> post cab 10 band EQ ---> Reverb ---> Dynacab Friedman V30 and 3 other contenders on the other channels adjust to taste