What are you listening to right now ?

Tony Levin is a treasure and a f*****g genius!

Never heard of Jesse Gress before.
I’ve got to go back and add him to my live guitarists list.

Really tasteful player. Saw him with the Tony Levin band on that Album’s tour. He was getting awesome tones with a Strat into a little Fender Combo amp with a Line 6 DM4 in front of it with a just a couple of other pedals at the time.
I had to listen to this song after seeing the Periphery vid. I don't dig all their stuff but there are some songs I really dig. That singer is really, really f*cking good. The vocals are the only thing that make me not fully love this band, I just can't do the emo voice. I can do the Chester Bennington voice he does all day long. The passage at 3:32 in this song is absolutely ridiculous and the dude can pull it off live, that's a ridiculous amount of control, but he's right on the brink of going full emo in a few spots. :ROFLMAO:

(It starts at that section here)

And this song rips, too.

And now I'm onto my future ex-wife-


I listened to that HARD when it first came out. It's Jerry fully and totally depressed. :LOL:

Man, such slow tempos, and tuned lower than at any other time in his career. So sludgy!

I like it a lot better than his new upbeat album. You are not supposed to be happy and positive, Mr. Cantrell. :hmm
thanks for posting this. Amazing stuff

guitar virtuoso for sure... but the compositions are beautiful
That is, precisely, what I miss on Guthrie Govan: Beautiful, remarkable and memorable melodies that you can instantly remember and hum in you head. Govan is undoubtedly a top-player player, but it is not the staff that I enjoy when I sit at the sofa. I once mentioned that I prefer NJ over GG, and I was pointed to listen the solo of Reget #9. But is there more than that?

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I listened to that HARD when it first came out. It's Jerry fully and totally depressed. :LOL:

Man, such slow tempos, and tuned lower than at any other time in his career. So sludgy!

I like it a lot better than his new upbeat album. You are not supposed to be happy and positive, Mr. Cantrell. :hmm
I like sludge …
Man that doesn’t sound right at all 😳
That is, precisely, what I miss on Guthrie Govan: Beautiful, remarkable and memorable melodies that you can instantly remember and hum in you head. Govan is undoubtedly a top-player player, but it is not the staff that I enjoy when I sit at the sofa. I once mentioned that I prefer NJ over GG, and I was pointed to listen the solo of Reget #9. But is there more than that?

Thread 'I always wondered what happened to Stewie…'

Track 13 on CD3 on Elton's Diamonds lead me to listening to Pavarotti's Greatest Hits form 2019.
Smoothest Tenor the world had the pleasure to hear.


I’m actually a huge Elton John fan. Him and The Eagles are probably two “surprises” from me, but I love so much of their music. Just killer f*cking melodies, the harmonies with The Eagles and outstanding musicianship without it getting in the way of the songs. Was always jealous of how Elton can take a page of lyrics and sing it like he wrote them, dude is just fantastic.