Went to GC today: Part 2 (more random amp thoughts)


Rock Star
- Dr Z Cure was very disappointing. Not at all at the level of what I expect from a Z. Yuck.

- Bad Cat Hot Cat 30r is a fantastic amp! I love Bad Cats and it’s nice to see the newer ones still have the goods. This one would’ve come home with me, but it started shorting out… worth taking a chance on it just being a bad tube?

- The new Vox AC15c1 is a very underwhelming amp. Very flat and boxy, no depth at all. I like the old cc1 better than this.

- Why are Tone King amps all voiced so dark and bass heavy?! Played a Gremlin that was cool and tempting, but I had to set the tone up to 8 before I started getting the highs coming through. It also has an insane amount of gain! On the lead channel on 4 I was playing Skyscraper era DLR with p90s :wat To make the amp work I had the volume on 1.5 and tone on 8 and that feels too extreme as a baseline…

- Dr Z Maz 18 is a solid little amp. Not the most amazing sounding amp in the world, but we could have some good times together.

- /13 JRT 9/15 is possibly my favorite amp in the world… but those controls make it impossible to dial in the tone you want at the volume you need. Its tone is completely volume dependent. I wish I could find a CCC 9/15. That might be perfect for me.

- Fender Blues Jr is a solid little amp.

- I’m not a fan of the Pro Jr anymore. They just don’t hit me like they used to.

- Suhr Hombre is complicated. You’ve gotta really love that early brown face thing. It only works at high volumes and it kind of does one thing. You gotta love that one thing.

- Best saved for last: there was a ‘90s vintage reissue 100w Plexi half stack in there and it was one of those transcendental out of body experiences to play. Just… yeah… no words can describe the awesomeness of a real Plexi in person.

On a guitar tangent:

- I need a p90 LP in my life

- Jaguars are fun guitars… I’m tempted.

- Thank you GC staff for letting me spend some time with a $5,000 Custom Shop ‘50s Strat. It was a thing of beauty to play :chef
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Visiting GC is a great way to appreciate what you already have at home.

Saturday GIF
I had once stumbled upon a solid state amp in a GC. It was used, and in great shape. I don't remember the maker. It was 1x12". I loved the cleans, and it took an OD-3 well. The dirt channel was yuck though.

Every time I go to buy strings in a store, I buy them first. Then look at inexpensive to mid range guitars, amps and pedals. Usually they don't mind as long as I am playing softly, carefully and not at a loud volume.

I even wore tattoo sleeves and a choker once, so that they will let me play a black superstrat I had seen on my last visit :) Unfortunately it had very high action.
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That amp list is about as up your alley as any I've seen on here. Pretty bougie for a GC!

Yeah, I was really excited about this selection! Totally right up my alley

Hey @metropolis_4 - on that Gremlin, is it possible the attenuator was engaged? With it off, it should stay pretty clean until about halfway up the knob…I wonder if it had some different tubes in it (I assume it was used)?

It did have the attenuator engaged, I played with a bunch of different settings, seemed like the distortion started coming on really fast at all settings. Maybe something about the tubes someone put in it?

It’s was a cool amp once I found the sweet spot, but I was a little worried that I had to use such extreme settings to get it there. And that was with p90s. I’m not sure it could handle humbuckers
so that they will let me play a black superstrat
"Let you play"? If you're somehow implying you're not entitled to try out anything in that store...

The only exception I can think of would be, and even this is a "maybe", would be something like a $20,000 PRS Private Stock or the like. But even then, no one knows how much money you have, or how serious you are wrt buying something, vs. just "kicking tires." Hell, you could've just inherited 50K from your grandmother, and are looking to buy a $5000 PRS McCarty.
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- Best saved for last: there was a ‘90s vintage reissue 100w Plexi half stack in there and it was one of those transcendental out of body experiences to play. Just… yeah… no words can describe the awesomeness of a real Plexi in person.
Did you get it cranking? :rawk
"Let you play"? If you're somehow implying you're not entitled to try out anything in that store...

The only exception I can think of would be, and even this is a "maybe", would be something like a $20,000 PRS Private Stock or the like. But even then, no one knows how much money you have, or how serious you are wrt buying something, vs. just "kicking tires." Hell, you could've just inherited 50K from your grandmother, and are looking to buy a $5000 PRS McCarty.

I am not rich, somehow survive. Play covers in bars.

I wanted to look like I can afford it. So I dressed up to look like "she can buy it". It was priced around 2100$ I think.

I am an introvert and won't like to be told the truth that I can't afford it.
- Dr Z Cure was very disappointing. Not at all at the level of what I expect from a Z. Yuck.

- Bad Cat Hot Cat 30r is a fantastic amp! I love Bad Cats and it’s nice to see the newer ones still have the goods. This one would’ve come home with me, but it started shorting out… worth taking a chance on it just being a bad tube?

- The new Vox AC15c1 is a very underwhelming amp. Very flat and boxy, no depth at all. I like the old cc1 better than this.

- Why are Tone King amps all voiced so dark and bass heavy?! Played a Gremlin that was cool and tempting, but I had to set the tone up to 8 before I started getting the highs coming through. It also has an insane amount of gain! On the lead channel on 4 I was playing Skyscraper era DLR with p90s :wat To make the amp work I had the volume on 1.5 and tone on 8 and that feels too extreme as a baseline…

- Dr Z Maz 18 is a solid little amp. Not the most amazing sounding amp in the world, but we could have some good times together.

- /13 JRT 9/15 is possibly my favorite amp in the world… but those controls make it impossible to dial in the tone you want at the volume you need. Its tone is completely volume dependent. I wish I could find a CCC 9/15. That might be perfect for me.

- Fender Blues Jr is a solid little amp.

- I’m not a fan of the Pro Jr anymore. They just don’t hit me like they used to.

- Suhr Hombre is complicated. You’ve gotta really love that early brown face thing. It only works at high volumes and it kind of does one thing. You gotta love that one thing.

- Best saved for last: there was a ‘90s vintage reissue 100w Plexi half stack in there and it was one of those transcendental out of body experiences to play. Just… yeah… no words can describe the awesomeness of a real Plexi in person.

On a guitar tangent:

- I need a p90 LP in my life

- Jaguars are fun guitars… I’m tempted.

- Thank you GC staff for letting me spend some time with a $5,000 Custom Shop ‘50s Strat. It was a thing of beauty to play :chef
That's a pretty wild list of amps for a GC. And yes, you need a P90 Les Paul. Do you even tone, bro?
Have read a couple of articles about how the current GC CEO is trying to move from primarily the "beginner/low budget" to the higher-end market.

Have seen some guitars on their site where they're allowing a "Sweetwater style" comparison of tops.

Maybe there's hope for them? I've had plenty of good (and plenty of bad) experiences with GC, some stores just suck, and probably always will. Their online dude is great, though, will go out of his way and is great with communications.
I may “know a guy”…who has a coupla-year-old ‘50s LP Standard goldtop P90 with a ding on the edge of the headstock that is otherwise pristine who may be willing to let it go at a pretty decent price…
Did you get it cranking? :rawk

Oh yeah :cool:

Through an attenuator, but even so. When I hit the first chord the heavens opened, rays of light shone down, and I heard angels singing.

I’m usually pretty careful not to bother anyone in the store, but I wasn’t about to pass up that opportunity!

@metropolis_4 When you buying the Plexi and bringing it home so we can hear it?

Sadly it was way out of my price range. They wanted $5,000 for it :(
I may “know a guy”…who has a coupla-year-old ‘50s LP Standard goldtop P90 with a ding on the edge of the headstock that is otherwise pristine who may be willing to let it go at a pretty decent price…

I may know a guy who’s going to think about that. Gotta see how some other things go though
I think stores like this should charge an hourly fee for "in-house music equipment rentals" (giving people content for posts). They would make a lot of money!
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