welp... its been a good run but back to pedals lol!!

There is no going back. Just going round and round. :LOL:
ami duin et rite?

aint they hot george harrison GIF
That's still digital. Unless I am missing something.
Your missing something

You're probably thinking of the super champ-X2, which was a cheapo hybrid amp that had a valve preamp and poweramp, but it also had a digital front end before the preamp that was notorious for taking a dive. They're throw away amps from around decade ago that mostly can't be repaired. They're actually decent sounding amps for certain tones, but trash for other tones.

I'm talking about a real superchamp, which sounds like a Princeton on steroids. It's probably the best Fender combo amp of the Rivera era and maybe the loudest 18 watts you'll ever hear.

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dude in one of my fav bands around here plays a katana head. he makes it sound amazing, really good musician too.

check em out if you like death metal:

The playing is solid, but that tone is awful to my ears.
Just being honest.
My opinion is meaningless though because I don't listen to that type of music.
I wonder how many rotations of "back to ___" it takes until a guitarist understands that everything has its place.
My last few rotations were very quick, now I play whatever inspires me that weekend.

I think it took me two complete rotations between all-analog to all-digital to realize you should have both.



Actually I think the handful of PODs I’ve owned disqualifies me from saying I haven’t owned a modeller

I’ve successfully avoided all the GOOD ones though :LOL:

I’ve got a GSP21 Legend (circa 1994) that makes the original Pods seem like the bestest things evah. The effects are alright, but the “amp simulators” have not aged well at all. But…. It still worked when I last fired it up (a couple of years ago).
I bounce back and forth as the mood strikes me as well.
It’s the sane path. There isn’t gear that makes every sound, there’s gear that makes a sound, and tone is the product of how that gear is combined.

Find something that inspires you and run with it.
If I get back to playing live regularly it's going to be an amp and pedals at minimal. I'm not against doing a 4cm with the Helix XL though.